Rocket Launcher (RF:A)

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  • The Rocket Launcher is a weapon in Red Faction: Armageddon.


    When Red Faction activity showed no sign of stopping, Ultor brought in heavy guns to take down the better-armed guerillas. The URL-6T, as this rocket launcher is officially known, soon became a bane to Earth and Mars forces alike. It took a steady hand and a steadier mind to properly fire one of these hulking, hundred pound weapons; careless fire led to a quick end for innocent bystanders as well as the shooter. Careful training by the most dedicated Red Faction fighters, including Parker, proved to be a turning point in the conflict. When a Tank couldn't withstand three blasts from such a weapon as the "Big Earl," the liberation of Mars wasn't far off.

    Of all the weapons at your disposal, the Rocket Launcher is the only one capable of tracking and homing in on targets. Upon aiming the weapon at an organic target, such as an alien, a red circular icon appears on the HUD, directly over the target. This indicates that the rocket has locked on to the creature. Once a lock has been achieved, the rocket homes in on the target, even if the target moves, but the homing ability of the rocket is rather limited. It is not capable of making tight turns or evading objects in its path. Still, in large open spaces, rockets have no problem, hitting their mark, with spectacular results. Save your Rocket Launcher for engaging heavy targets like Berserkers, Monoliths, Tentacles and Behemoths. It's also very effective against elusive Wraiths.