Arc Welder (RF:A)

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  • The Arc Welder is a weapon in Red Faction: Armageddon. It was originally a pre-order weapon but also available via DLC.


    This updated version of the original Arc Welder became a standard weapon for the Red Faction militia of the late 22nd century. When properly utilized, the Arc Welder could be set to "stun" or "kill" settings. Many militiamen treasured the weapon for this capacity as more than a handful of simple sweeps turned ugly during the rise of the Cultists.

    A Crude but effective weapon, the Arc Welder is ideal for dealing with large groups of tightly clustered enemies such as Creepers or Ravagers. The weapon shoots an arc of electricity that jumps from the initial target to any nearby enemies. While targeted with this weapon, all enemies are temporarily stunned as their health rapidly depletes. If you find yourself surrounded by Creepers, cut loose with the Arc Welder to completely wipe out large groups. The weapon is also very effective against Wraiths. As long as a wraith is stunned by the electricity, it can't cloak or retreat. However the weapon cannot be operated indefinitely. Holding down the trigger too long causes the weapon to overheat, making it inoperable during a brief cool-down phase. Like all weapons, it also requires ammo to charge it.