Shrike's Wild Ride

From Red Faction Wiki

Shrike's Wild Ride is the second main chapter of Red Faction II following from the Public Information Building in the single player campaign. The chapter consists of 3 levels that are all on-rails autoscrollers where Alias is the gunner for Shrike on his gunship as they tear through the rooftops and the streets of the city, searching for Sopot and fighting enemy aircraft and ground forces as they go. It is followed by the Underground chapter.

Search and Destroy

Alias cuts a path of destruction through Sopot City. „

You follow Sopots now very damaged gunship to a nearby rooftop where he gets out and runs into a building. Shrike will then to proceed to circle around the building a couple of times whilst you attempt to find Sopot, meanwhile guards frequent the corridors and rooftops which you must battle with.

Bonus Objective

  • Decimate the buildings security forces.

Aerial Encounters

Fierce dogfighting lights up the sky above the city. „

After being chased away from the previous rooftop by 2 enemy gunships, Alias and Shrike must now combat the multiple enemy aircrafts through the city, often times looping around buildings and finding more in their way.


Shrike and Alias aid embattled Red Faction Fighters. „

After surviving the dog fights above, Echo requests Shrike and Alias to aid the Red Faction fighters in the streets, which sees the duo fly down to a lower street level aiding the fighters from above. After having defended the troops from Sopot forces, as well as destroying their first Battle Armour Mech, the pair fly off to combat a new type of enemy - one of the processed units. After a short traversal and combat with these new units, the gunship finally runs into trouble on the street level and crash lands leaving Alias in the underground below.