Click here to join the FactionFiles Community Discord If you have any questions or concerns, please join the FactionFiles Community Discord for assistance. The FactionFiles Discord is also the place to go to participate in organized community game night events, and get help with anything else related to the Red Faction series.
To download Alpine Faction, download and run the AF installer program from FactionFiles.com. The prompts will guide you through the process.
What do I need to use Alpine Faction?
- Alpine Faction requires an installed copy of Red Faction (PC). Any retail (disc) or digital (Steam, GoG, etc.) distribution will work, in any localization/language.
- If you run into trouble or have any remaining questions (or if you just want to chat with other Red Faction players and fans), you should join the Red Faction Community Discord. You can either click the Discord link in the Alpine Faction launcher or click here to join.
What is Alpine Faction?
- Alpine Faction is a community-made, actively developed, free, modernizing, open source patch for the 2001 FPS game Red Faction (1) that seeks to fix bugs, resolve security vulnerabilities, improve compatibility with modern hardware and operating systems, restore cut content, and improve the user experience by adding long-desired modern features. Alpine Faction empowers players, designers/modders, and server operators to control and customize and enhance their gameplay experience as they wish.
- Alpine Faction is a fork of Rafalh's Dash Faction project, and includes all open source functionality from that project, plus adds many additional features and enhancements.
- The most notable new Alpine Faction features (which are not present in Dash Faction's latest release - v1.8.0) are:
For players
- One-click installation of maps and mods from FactionFiles.com
- Ability to rate maps in-game
- Compatibility with Alpine Faction-specific maps (which use new AF level design features)
- Enemies exploding into chunks when hit by explosives (single player)
- Player headlamp/flashlight (single player)
- Uncapped FPS limit
- Level lighting using full range of available colours
- Better user experience when voting including dedicated hotkeys (multiplayer)
- Full match mode ready up system (multiplayer)
- Many additional configurable client ease-of-use options including fullbright characters and screenshake removal
- Support for many more clientside mods, including changing scope colour, fully custom HUDs, customized level lighting, etc.
- New launcher featuring many more options and live community news feed
- DirectX version selection - DX8, DX9, or experimental DX11 (this item is in the Dash Faction codebase, but is not available in a release)
For mappers/mod developers
- Create advanced logic systems with 30+ brand new events
- Vastly improved debugging features
- Place dynamic lights in levels
- Advanced and immersive skyboxes
- Level-specific config tables
- Proper multiplayer support for events (no keyframe trick, etc.)
- Removed many annoying RED workflow issues (you must rebuild before X, etc.)
- Playtest maps in multiplayer from RED
- Modify many previously hardcoded settings via mods (MP walk speed, fall damage, player entity type, etc.)
- Vastly enhanced potential for developing clientside mods
For server operators
- GunGame game mode
- Control respawn point logic (full RNG, avoid last, etc.)
- Randomize server rotation
- Change item respawn times, override weapon stay, drop amps on death
- Critical hits
- Match mode, overtime
- Kick inactive players
Additional Resources