This page lists all major differences between normal Red Faction level design and level design for Alpine Levels, as featured in Alpine Faction.
Alpine Levels are playable only using Alpine Faction.
Due to features unavailable in those clients, Alpine Levels are not playable while using other client versions such as any version of Red Faction (official builds), Pure Faction, or Dash Faction.
- Multiplayer playtesting - In addition to the Play and Play from Camera features that have always been available, the Alpine level editor adds a feature to allow you to playtest multiplayer maps in multiplayer. If you click the Play (multi) button on the top toolbar, the game will launch you into a listen (local) server running your level.
- Troubleshooting goals - You can use the [ dbg_goal GOALNAME ] console command at any time to query a goal by name and print its current and initial values.
- Troubleshooting event and trigger links - You can use the [ debug trigger ] and [ debug event ] console commands at any time (SP only) to draw events and triggers and their links as arrows in the game world. Links from triggers are blue, links from events are purple.
When constructing non-Alpine levels, faces are added to "fix ps2 tiling" when building geometry, if the texture applied to a given surface tiles many times. This does not occur when constructing Alpine Levels - you can safely tile textures as much as you like without it resulting in additional unnecessary faces being added.
Similarly, when adding brushes to moving groups during construction of non-Alpine levels, if those brushes have surfaces with textures that tile many times, the brush will be split. This also does not occur when constructing Alpine Levels - you can safely tile textures as much as you like on brushes that either are, or will eventually be, members of moving groups, without it resulting in additional unnecessary faces being added.
In Alpine Levels, the game does not apply lightmap clamping. This means that the full range of available colors is available - including fully unlit (black) areas. Put another way, the way your lightmaps look when you calculate them in the level editor is how they will look in game.
Additionally, the stock editor applies similar lightmap clamping when opening saved levels. This has also been removed in Alpine RED - levels loaded in Alpine RED will look as they did when they were saved.
Dynamic Lights
Alpine Levels can utilize dynamic lights - configured via the "Dynamic" checkbox in light properties. Using the Anchor_Marker event (described below), you can also move dynamic lights using moving groups.
Note: Dynamic lights are far more taxing on game performance than normal (static) lights. You should keep this in mind when designing, and use dynamic lights only where necessary to achieve your desired effect.
In Alpine Levels, while you can still make static skyboxes as you always could before if you wish, through the Set_Skybox event (described below) you can enhance your skyboxes. The key differences are listed below.
Note: When making an enhanced skybox, while you still do need to place a Room Effect in the room that is to be your sky room, you should not select the "Sky Room" type on the Room Effect - instead, leave "type" set to "None", or set it to "Liquid Room" if you wish to have a liquid surface in your sky room. The UID of the Room Effect is the skybox room UID you will specify in the properties of the Set_Skybox event.
Eye Anchor
When setting an enhanced skybox via the Set_Skybox event, you can specify an "eye anchor" UID. This must be the UID of an Anchor_Marker event that is inside the skybox room you are using. If you specify a valid "eye anchor" UID, this will be the position from which the sky room will be visible when projected as your skybox. You can also place the Anchor_Marker in a moving group and move it with keyframes if you wish.
Caution: Moving the "eye anchor" with keyframes can be very disorienting and take away from your level if you are not careful. In general, you should avoid quick movements.
Relative Position
When setting an enhanced skybox via the Set_Skybox event, you can turn on "use relative position" and specify a "relative position scale". If you do, players can move around "inside the sky room" as they play your map. The position of your camera in relation to the world origin (position 0,0,0) is mapped to the "eye" position in the skybox, relative to the "eye anchor" position in the sky room. The position is scaled using the scale.
- A "relative position scale" of 1.0 maps camera position relative to world origin to eye position relative to eye anchor position at a ratio of 1:1 - every 1m moved in the world is 1m moved in the skybox.
- A "relative position scale" of 0.25 however, means every 1m moved in the world is 0.25m moved in the skybox. Using this, you can make your skybox much smaller than your actual level.
Note: Relative position requires you specify a scale and an eye anchor (and of course a skyboox room UID). If you do not specify each of these, ticking the "use relative position" option will have no effect.
In multiplayer, unlike levels made for other versions of the game, triggers in Alpine Levels can activate events directly. This includes stock game events and Alpine Events (described below).
The following events are not supported in multiplayer and will not function if triggered:
- Load_Level
- Endgame
- Defuse_Nuke
- Drop_Point_Marker
- Go_Undercover
- Win_PS2_Demo
- Play_Video
- When_Picked_Up
In single player, unlike levels made for other versions of the game, Alpine Levels allow the player to pick up the Multi Super Health and Multi Super Armor items.
Outside of Alpine Levels, using the delay parameter with the following stock game events leads to that event breaking - the effect will never apply. In Alpine Levels, the delay parameter can be used on these events without issue - just like any other event.
- Play_Sound
- Cyclic_Timer
- Make_Invulnerable
- Alarm_Siren
- Unhide
Enhanced Functionality
In Alpine Levels, some stock game events have been improved in various ways:
- Headlamp_State - If not linked to any specific entities, applies to the player. Can be used to toggle the player flashlight.
- Holster_Weapon - Could always be turned on to holster the weapon of linked entities. In Alpine Levels, can also be turned off to force those entities to unholster their weapons.
- Holster_Player_Weapon - Could always be turned on to holster the player's weapon. In Alpine Levels, can also be turned off to unholster the player's weapon.
Dash Faction
The following events had functionality added in Dash Faction 1.5.0. This functionality is not specific to Alpine Levels - it is available on any levels when using Dash Faction 1.5.0+ or any version of Alpine Faction. On other client versions (including all official client versions), although levels that rely on this functionality can be loaded, the functionality of these events will be restricted to only their stock game behaviour, which could lead to undesirable behaviour.
- Set_Liquid_Depth - Had no effect in the stock game. Can now be used to smoothly change the depth of a liquid room.
- Switch_Model - Used to swap the mesh used by linked clutter objects to a specified file. Could be used in stock game as long as the specified mesh file was a stock game file. Can now be used to specify custom meshes distributed with levels.
Directional Events
3D arrows in the Alpine level editor are drawn from directional events - that is, events that save their orientation and use it for some purpose. (most events are not directional). The following events are directional:
- Play_VClip - (did not display a 3D arrow in stock level editor, does in Alpine level editor)
- Teleport - (did not display a 3D arrow in stock level editor, does in Alpine level editor)
- Teleport_Player
- Clone_Entity
- AF_Teleport_Player
Alpine Events
The following Alpine Events are completely new and are only available for use in Alpine Levels:
AF_When_DeadUpgraded version of the stock "When_Dead" event. Does not require a slot in the savegame file, so there is no limit on the number of AF_When_Dead events that you can use in a single map. Also supports repeated activations, unlike the stock event.
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On Response None
Off Response None
- Activate on any dead: (bool1) If true, this event sends an on message each time a linked entity or clutter dies. If false, this event only sends a single on message at the time that all linked entities/clutter are dead.
When_Picked_UpFires a message to all linked triggers, movers, and events whenever a linked item is picked up by the player. Single player only.
SequenceEach activation of this event routes the message to the next link in sequential order. After the last link, the cycle resets and the first link is called. Note the order of links is determined by the order in which you add them.
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On Response Send an on signal to the next link in the sequence.
Off Response None
- Next index to activate: (int1) Next link index to be activated when this event processes an on message. This setting essentially allows you to jump to a specific point in the sequence when you wish.
Difficulty_GateTests if the game is set to the specified difficulty and forwards messages only if true.
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On Response Forward on signal to all links, if the game is set to the specified difficulty.
Off Response None
- Difficulty: (int1") Difficulty to test against.
Valid_GateTests if the specified UID is a valid object and forwards messages only if true. In the case of objects that have life values (ie. clutter and entities), "valid" means alive.
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On Response Forward on signal to all links, if the specified object is valid.
Off Response None
- Object UID to test: (int1") Object UID to be checked.
Inside_GateTests if an object (default: the player who activated the event) is in a specified area of the map. Forwards messages if true.
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On Response Forward on signal to all links if test passes.
Off Response None
- UID (trigger/room) to check: (int1) Region to be checked. Can be a trigger UID or a room UID (Room Effect).
- What to check for: (int2) Object to be checked. If not specified, defaults to the player who activated the event.
Switch_RandomRandomly select one of this event's links and send an on message to it.
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On Response Send an on message to a randomly selected link.
Off Response None
- No repeats until all used: (bool1) Never choose the same link twice until all links have been chosen at least once.
Route_NodeIn-line multi-purpose flow control node. Has several options to control what the processed message looks like.
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On Response None
Off Response None
- Node behavior: (int1) What should the Route_Node do to the message?
- Non-retriggerable delay: (bool1) If true, ignore any received messages while a message is currently queued on this Route_Node. Has no effect unless a delay is specified.
- Clear trigger info: (bool2) If true, clear information about the trigger and object that initiated the message when passing through this Route_Node.
Goal_GatePerforms a test on a specified goal (integer variable). Forwards message to links only if test passes.
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On Response Perform test and forward message if passed.
Off Response None
- Goal to test: (str1) Specify the goal name to which the test is applied.
- Test to run: (int1)
- Value to test against: (int2) Note: ignored if testing against initial value.
Scope_GatePerforms a test on various aspects of the game. Forwards message to links only if test passes.
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On Response Perform test and forward message if passed.
Off Response None
- Scope to test against: (int1) Test to run
Gametype_GatePerforms a test on the gametype of the game. Forwards message to links only if test passes. Works only in multiplayer (test will always fail in single player).
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On Response Perform test and forward message if passed.
Off Response None
- Check for gametype: (int1) Gametype to test against.
Clone_EntityCreates a clone of the linked entity with the same properties and settings as its source.
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On Response Create a clone at the event's position, and with the event's orientation.
Off Response None
- Clone is hostile to player: (bool1) If true, clone is actively hostile to player and will engage if it spots the player.
- Go to player: (bool2) If true, the clone will begin running to the player immediately when created. Assuming there is a valid route to the player's position, it will find them.
- Link event UID to clone: (int1) If specified, when a clone is created, a link will be created between the specified event UID and the clone.
Set_Player_World_CollideControl whether the player collides with level geometry.
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On Response Collision = true (default)
Off Response Collision = false
No additional parameters.
Set_Level_HardnessSet the hardness for the loaded level (size of geo craters).
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On Response Set hardness to the specified value.
Off Response None
- Hardness: (int1) The hardness value to set.
Set_DifficultySet the difficulty level of the game.
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On Response Set difficulty to the specified value.
Off Response None
- Difficulty: (int1) Set the game's difficulty.
Set_SkyboxSet the room to project as skybox.
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On Response Set skybox information as configured.
Off Response None
- Skybox room UID: (int1) Specify the room UID (by Room Effect) to set as the sky room.
- Eye anchor UID: (int2) Specify the Anchor_Marker event to use as the eye position inside the sky room.
- Use relative position: (bool1) If true, apply relative position mapping camera position in world space to eye position in the sky room.
- Relative position scale: (float1) Scale/ratio to apply to relative position camera mapping.
Set_Item_DropChanges the configured item drop for linked entities.
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On Response Set item drop.
Off Response None
- Item class to drop: (str1) Item name to drop. Event will have no effect unless this is a valid item name (from items.tbl)
Set_LifeChanges the base life value of linked clutter and/or entities.
AF_HealHeal or damage the player (or multiple players in multiplayer) by a specific amount. Can also apply to armour.
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On Response Apply the configured change.
Off Response None
- Amount: (int1) What numeric change should be applied
- Apply change to: (int2) Who should it be applied to?
- Apply to armor instead: (bool1) If true, apply the change to armour rather than health.
- Allow super values: (bool2) If true, accomodate for super health/super armour. If false, the resulting health or armour after applying the change is clamped to 0-100. If true, it's clamped to 0-200.
HUD_MessageDisplay a green HUD message in the bottom middle of the screen (like the helper text when you pick up items).
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On Response Display the HUD message for the configured duration.
Off Response None
- Message text: (str1) The message to display.
- Duration: (float1) Duration in seconds the message will be displayed. Note the message will go away quicker if another HUD message is displayed (such as from another HUD_Message event, or from the player picking up an item)
Play_VideoPlay a .bik format video.
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On Response Play the video specified.
Off Response None
- Video filename: (str1) The filename of the video to play.
Force_UnhideForce unhide/hide an object with no conditions. Virtually identical to the stock "Unhide" event, except this one will always do it, regardless of player line of sight or any other factors.
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On Response Unhide linked objects.
Off Response Hide linked objects.
No additional parameters.
Set_Fog_Far_ClipSets the far clip plane used for distance fog.
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On Response Set far clip plane to specified value (in metres).
Off Response None
- Far clip distance: (int1) Far clip plane distance.
Set_Entity_FlagTurn on or off entity flags on linked entities.
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On Response Turn selected flag on.
Off Response Turn selected flag off.
Set_DebrisSet the debris and explosion parameters for linked clutter and/or entities.
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On Response Set values as specified.
Off Response None
- Debris filename: (str1) Filename of debris to set.
- Explosion VClip index: (int1) Index of VClip to play when object dies (from vclip.tbl).
- Explosion VClip radius: (float1)
- Debris sound set: (str2) Sound set to use for debris collision (from foley.tbl). (Only supported on clutter)
- Debris velocity: (float2) Velocity of debris. (Only supported on clutter)
AF_Teleport_PlayerTeleport player to the event's position, with the event's orientation.
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On Response Teleport player.
Off Response None
- Reset player velocity: (bool1) If true, set player velocity to 0 m/s after teleporting. If false, player details velocity, but it is translated based on the orientation of the event.
- Eject player from vehicle: (bool2) If true, if the player is in a vehicle, eject them from the vehicle and teleport them just as a player. If false, teleport their vehicle. Has no effect in multiplayer or if the player is not in a vehicle.
- Entrance VClip: (str1) VClip name (from vclip.tbl) to play at the player's position just before they teleport.
- Exit VClip: (str2) VClip name (from vclip.tbl) to play at the teleport destination when the player arrives.
Set_Fog_ColorSets the distance fog colour.
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On Response Set configured fog colour.
Off Response None
- Fog color: (str1) Specify fog colour to set. Uses the same format as Level Properties - e.g. specifying "<255, 255, 255>" would result in pure white fog.
Set_VariableReconfigure a variable on linked Alpine Faction event(s).
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On Response Updates the variable of the linked event(s) based on the provided configuration.
Off Response None
- Variable handle: The variable to be set. This corresponds to the variable names provided in parentheses on the properties panel for Alpine events.
- Value for int1 or int2: If variable handle is int1 or int2, set the variable on the linked event(s) to this value.
- Value for delay, float1, or float2: If variable handle is delay, float1, or float2, set the variable on the linked event(s) to this value.
- Value for bool1 or bool2: If variable handle is bool1 or bool2, set the variable on the linked event(s) to this value.
- Value for str1 or str2: If variable handle is str1 or str2, set the variable on the linked event(s) to this value.
Remove_LinkUsed to remove links between objects. By default (with "Purge all links" turned off), removes links between objects this event is linked to.
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On Response Remove links.
Off Response None
- Purge all links: (bool1) Instead, remove all links between every object this event is linked to and any other objects.
Goal_MathUsed to perform math operations on goals (integer variables). Applies the operation to level (non-persistent) goals, as well as persistent goals that are loaded.
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On Response Apply the operation.
Off Response None
- Goal to edit: (str1) Specify the goal name to apply the operation.
- Operation to perform: (int1)
- Value to use for operation: (int2)
Clear_QueuedClears queued message (if any) on all linked events. Queued messages are messages that are queued per a configured delay value on that event.
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On Response Clear queued messages.
Off Response None
No additional parameters.
Add_LinkAdds links from the specified source event to each object this event is linked to.
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On Response Add links.
Off Response None
- Source event UID: (int1) Source event for the links.
- Link inbound: (bool1) Reverse the operation - create links from each object this event is linked to, inbound to the specified source event.
Anchor_MarkerUsed to "drag along" some object types that can't normally be added to moving groups. Simply add the Anchor Marker to the moving group, then link the Anchor_Marker to the objects you want to bring. That object/those objects will have their position locked to the position of the Anchor_Marker event as it travels with the mover. Supports Lights (Dynamic only), Particle Emitters, and Push Regions. Can also be used in conjunction with Set_Skybox to specify the "eye" location within the skybox.