RED Functionality Overview
While some is universal, much of RED's functionality is broken up into 6 modes - Brush Mode, Face Mode, Vertex Mode, Texture Mode, Object Mode, and Group Mode.
Universal Functions
Camera Control
View Ports
The main portion of Red's interface is divided into four view ports. The view ports are how you see and interact with the world in Red. Each of the view ports is identical and can have any view assigned to it but at least one view port must be assigned to Free Look. You could, for example, have 4 Free Look view ports if you wished. This would, however, take a bit if CPU power to render. You can select a view port to be active by simply moving your mouse over it. There will be a red line on the outer edges of the view port to show it is active. You can "solo" any view port by moving your mouse over it and press "F4". This will stop rendering all the other view ports. You can "un-solo" and set all view ports to their default size by press "F5". The view ports can be arbitrarily resized by moving the center of the view port frame.
There are 2 types of views - Free Look and Orthographic. Free Look is the 3D view of the world and you can move in any direction. in this view. An Orthographic view is a wire frame view of the world and you can only move in 2 axes. The default are (clockwise from upper left) Top, Left, Front and Free Look. Right clicking over the view port's name (in the upper left corner) will bring up view port pop-up menu with the following options:
- View Select: This allows you to assign a view to the view port you are currently in.
- Show Grid: This toggles the grid on or off in that view port. The grid settings under General Preferences overrides this setting.
- Show Links: This toggles object links on or off in that view port. This will show all links between all objects whether they are selected or not.
Status Window/Console
In Red, the status window displays information output by the editor. Whenever you rebuild your level, the build information is displayed in this window. When you select a brush in brush mode, it's dimensions, UID and time index are displayed here and when you select and object, it's UID and script name are displayed in this window. Also, if you have Holes in your level, the status window will turn red to indicate this.
Across the top of the RED window sit the following toolbar options:
- Mode: This menu selects between Brush, Face, Vertex, Texture, Object or Group mode.
- Coordinates: This menu selects global and local coordinates. Global coordinates are based upon the world axis. Local coordinates are based upon the axis of the currently selected brush or object. Default is global.
- Grid: This menu changes the increment you can move brushes or objects. Default is 1.00.
- Rotate By: This menu changes the increment you can rotate brushes or objects. Default is 15°.
- Camera Speed: This menu changes the speed the camera moves at. Default is 10.
Additionally, the following options are available in the Dash Faction and Pure Faction versions of RED.
- Save: Save the level.
- Pack: Create a level packfile.
- Lighting: Calculate lightmaps and lighting.
- Play: Play level in single player mode from player start. (NOTE: Save and create a packfile before you click this button)
- Play (camera): Play level in single player mode from the current free look view port camera position. (NOTE: Save and create a packfile before you click this button)
File Menu
- New: Creates a new level file.
- Open: Open a level.
- Save: Save the current level file.
- Save As: Save the current file with a new file name.
- Recently Loaded Files: Lists the 9 most recently open level files.
- Auto-Save: Toggle Auto-Save function.
- Play Level: Play level from player start point.
- Play Level From Camera: Play level from your current camera location.
- Open Dialogue Text: Opens level's text table file
- Export as VRML: Export level in VRML format. Used for importing level geometry into programs like Max, Lightwave, etc.
- Create Level Pack file: Generates pack file (.VPP) for level. You have to create a Level Pack File in order to play your level.
- Exit: Closes editor.
Edit Menu
- Undo: Undo previous operation. The max number of operations you can undo is 16. When you save a level, the undo buffer is cleared.
- Redo: Redo previous operation.
- Cut: Cut currently selected brush(es) and/or object(s).
- Copy: Copy currently selected brush(es) and/or object(s).
- Paste: Paste currently selected brush(es) and/or object(s).
- Delete: Delete currently selected brush(es) and/or object(s).
- Morph: This allows you to change the type of a selected entity, item or clutter object. This can also be done through the object's Property dialog box.
- Properties: This brings up the property dialog box for the currently selected brush(es) or object(s). You cannot see properties for brushes and objects at the same time. You cannot see properties for multiple objects that are not the same type.
- Level Properties: This brings up the Level Properties dialog box.
Level Menu
- Remove lightmaps: Remove all lightmaps from the level.
- Calculate Lightmaps: Recalculate lightmaps for the level.
- Calculate Lighting (no shadows): Recalculate lighting without shadows for the level.
- Calculate Lighting: Recalculate lighting for the level.
- Calculate Maps and Light (no shadows): Recalculate lightmaps and lighting without shadows for the level.
- Calculate Maps and Light: Recalculate lightmaps and lighting with shadows for the level.
- Rebuild with hole lines: Always check for Holes after Building the level.
- Check for holes: Check levels for Holes.
- Remove hole check lines: Removes all Hole check lines.
View Menu
- Show Just Textures: Renders level without lightmaps but displays textures.
- Show Textures w/Lightmaps: Render level with lightmaps and textures.
- Show Just Lightmaps, no Textures: Render level with lightmaps and don't show textures.
- Show Rooms in Different Colors: Renders rooms in different colors.
- Show Everything See-through: Render level in wire frame view.
- Render Nothing: Turn off rendering anything.
- Render Everything: Set this flag so you will set a green tint on selected faces which makes texturing much easier.
- Render Current Room Only: This helps you make sure that any Portals you have placed are working correctly.
- Don't Draw Portal Faces: Not implemented.
- Draw See-thru Portal Faces: Not implemented.
- Draw Non-see-thru Portal Faces: Portal faces are rendered.
- Draw Sky (Like in game): Render level with skybox (if it has one).
- Use Multitexturing (If Possible): Not implemented.
- Show objects as Bounding Boxes: Render all objects as bounding boxes. This can give you a significant increase in rendering speed.
- Show Path Node Connections: This will show connections between selected nav points.
Tools Menu
- Verify All Textures: Checks all texture to make sure there are no corrupt bitmaps, that no textures are larger than 256 x 256, and that all textures have dimensions that are a power of 2.
- Select Objects: Brings up the Select Objects dialog box.
- Hide Objects: Brings up the Hide Objects dialog box.
- Generate Report: Brings up the Generate Report dialog box.
- Preferences: Brings up the Preferences dialog box.
Help Menu
- Help Topics: Brings up RED help file (if available).
- About RED: Displays current version of editor.
- Apply: Clicking on this will apply any changes you have made to your preferences to your user config file and exit the preferences dialog box.
- Cancel: Clicking on this will exit the preferences dialog box and you will lose any changes you have made to your preferences.
General Preferences
- Auto-Save: Sets the time between auto saves so your level is backed up on a regular basis. A setting of zero will disable auto saving. An Auto-Save .RFL file will have a "~" in the file name.
- Default Navpoint Height: Sets the height at which navpoints are automatically placed above the floor. Default is 2 meters.
- Prompt for save when playing game from camera or opening files: Because of Auto-Save, the editor often "thinks" it has a saved version of your level. If you don't check this flag and go to open a level, the editor will not pop-up a prompt to save the level you are working on.
- Grid Enabled: Turns grid rendering on and off. Does not disable grid snapping with using movement keys.
Texture Preferences
- Default Textures: Set default textures for ceiling, walls and floor. Click "Change" to select a new default texture.
- Change: This button will allow you to browse for textures to use as your default ceiling, wall and floor textures. .
- Pixels/Meter: Sets pixel density. Default is 64. This isn't something you usually change.
Visual Preferences
- Far Clip Plane Distance: Sets this distance at which the editor starts rendering in the Free Look Window. Default is 300. Only change this if you are having sorting (Z-buffering) problems in the editor.
- Change Color: Set custom colors for editor rendering. Clicking on "Change Color" will bring up the standard Window palette dialog box.
Mode-Specific Functions
Brush Mode
BSP Brushes make up the bulk of a Red Faction level. They define rooms and objects within those rooms. Brush sizing is measured in real-world meters, and player models such as Parker are roughly 1.90 meters tall.
- Shape: Change shape of cookie cutter brush. You can select from Box, Cone, Cylinder, Face, Mesh, Sphere and Wedge brushes. You cannot change the shape of a brush after it has been created with this function.
- Type: Set brush material.
- Height: Set height (Y) of cookie cutter brush.
- Height Split: Create evenly spaced vertical segments for the cookie cutter brush.
- Width: Set width of cookie cutter brush.
- Width Split: Create evenly spaced segments for the cookie cutter brush.
- Depth: Set depth of cookie cutter brush.
- Depth Split: Create evenly spaced segments for the cookie cutter brush.
- Create Brush: Creates new brush at the current location of the cookie cutter.
- Start of Time: Moves currently selected brush(es) to the start of time.
- End of Time: Moves currently selected brush(es) to the end of time.
- Mesh Smooth: Applies mesh smoothing to currently selected brush(es). Clicking on this button will bring up the Mesh Smooth dialog box.
- Bend: Bends currently selected brush(es). Clicking on this button will bring up the Bend dialog box.
- Twist: Twists currently selected brush(es). Clicking on this button will bring up the Twist dialog box.
- Stretch: Resize currently selected brush(es) Clicking on this button brings up the Stretch dialog box.
- Fuse: Fuse currently selected brushes.
- Build: Build all unhidden brushes.
- Clip: Brings up the Brush Clipping Tool dialog box.
- Carve: Carve currently selected brushes.
- Is Portal: Sets the brush to act as a Portal.
- Is Detail: Flags the brush to not boolean with the world. See Detail Brushes for more information.
- Emits Steam: Flags the brush to emit steam when shot with an armor piercing round. The brush will only emit 3 steam jets at once.
- Life: Sets the amount of damage a brush will take before "dying". This is used for Breakable Glass brushes only.
- Update: Updates all flags on the currently selected brush.
Face Mode
- Extrude - This will take the currently selected face(s) and move it/them a set amount from its/their original position and creates faces to connects them together.
- Bevel - This will bevel the currently selected face(s). Clicking on the button will bring up the [[RED Functionality Overview#Bevel|Bevel dialog box.
- Flip Edge - Flips the common edge between 2 faces.
- Collapse - This will merge the currently selected faces' vertices at the common point of all their vertices.
- Triangulate - This will select a vertex from the currently selected face(s) and split the face to into triangles that all share a common vertex.
- Pinwheel - Pinwheels the currently selected face(s). Pinwheeling will create a new face for every edge of the currently selected face(s) and create a new vertex at the common center of the new faces.
- Mesh Smooth - Applies mesh smoothing to the currently selected face(s). Clicking on the button will bring up the Mesh Smooth dialog box.
- Bend - Bends 2 or more faces. Clicking on the button will bring up the Bend dialog box.
- Twist - Twist 2 or more faces. Clicking on the button will bring up the Twist dialog box.
- Combine - Combine currently selected faces. You can only combine 2 faces at a time. The faces must be coplanar and be on the same brush. The common vertices of the combined faces will be welded together. If you are combining faces with different textures, the texture of the first face you select will be applied to the second face.
- Stretch - Scale currently selected face(s). Clicking on the button will bring up the Stretch dialog box.
Vertex Mode
- Weld - This merges one or more vertices to a single vertex. You always merge the first vertex you select to the last vertex you select. You can weld more than 2 vertices at a time but they always merge to the last selected vertex.
- Collapse - This is similar to welding but it merges vertices to the average point between them.
- Bend - Bend the currently selected vertices. Clicking on this button will bring up the Bend dialog box.
- Twist - Twist the currently selected vertices. Clicking on this button will bring up the Twist dialog box.
- Jitter - Jitter the currently selected vertices. Clicking this button will bring up the Jitter dialog box.
- Stretch - Scale 2 or more vertices. Clicking on the button will bring up the Stretch dialog box.
- Align X/Y/Z - This will align 2 or more vertices to a point that is the average distance between them along the selected axis. Please note that aligning vertices does not always snap the vertices to the grid.
Texture Mode
Textures are what you see on the polygons (faces) in a level. Textures are applied to all surfaces of a polygon in RED editor. When calculating/adding lightmaps, another texture map (called a lightmap) is added to each surface of your level (except for "Full Bright" faces). This is done by baked grayscale images which tells the surfaces how illuminated they should be. RED supports Smoothing Groups for the lightmaps to make lighting appear seamless on rounded surfaces.
- Currently Selected Texture: Displayed in this window. The size and format are displayed below the name. You can select textures in the current directory from the pull-down list. You can also use the left and right arrow button to scroll through the textures in the current directory. The texture directory can be changed via the pull-down list that is above the Apply and Browse buttons.
- Apply: Apply current texture to all selected faces.
- Browse: Open Texture Browser Window.
- Mapping Types: Select between box, planar, and cylindrical Texture Mapping Types.
- Apply Map: Apply selected Texture Mapping Type to all selected faces.
- Resize Map: Changed diameter and height of cylindrical map.
- Snap Map: Snap cylindrical map to center point of selected brush(es).
- Flip X: Flip mapping coordinates of selected faces horizontally.
- Flip Y: Flip mapping coordinates of selected faces vertically.
- Select Faces: Select all faces with current texture.
- Pick Texture: Make texture of the currently selected face the currently selected texture. If you have more than one face selected and the faces do not all have the same texture, it will use the texture from the first face you selected.
- UV Unwrap: Open UV Unwrapper with selected face(s).
- Update: Refresh all textures. If you modify a texture you currently have loaded, click on this to update the texture and show the changes.
Object Mode
When in Object Mode you can create, place, and perform operators on objects in your level. Objects make up anything in your world that is not geometry. Things such as lights, triggers, player start, events, power-ups, crates, special effects (fire, smoke, etc.) can all be found in Object Mode. Objects can be place by double-clicking the left mouse button or by right-clicking in one of the orthographic views and selecting "Place object here" from the pop-up menu.
- Object List: This lists all objects and events you can place in a level. Clicking the "+" sign will expand that part of the Object List. The currently selected object is always highlighted and double-clicking on an object in the list will create an object at the current location of your camera with your camera's current orientation.
- Objects can be selected in many ways. The most common way it to left-click when your mouse pointer is over an object. it will then highlight to show that it was selected. The editor also allows you to select many objects at once. To select multiple objects, hold down the CTRL key while left clicking on objects. Those objects selected will highlight.
- You may also box-select objects. This entails drawing out a virtual box that will select any objects that are inside this box. To box-select, you must left-click in an open area (one that has no objects under the mouse pointer). Then, while continuing to hold down the left mouse button, you move the mouse pointer. This starts to create your virtual box. Once again, any objects that are contained within this box will be selected.
- To delete selected objects, use the delete key.
- Selected objects can also use the Cut, Copy, Paste functions. When you copy/paste an object, it will appear in the same spot and rotation as the original object and will become your newly selected object. You may then move it's position to the desired location. Another way to paste objects after a copy would be right-clicking in one of the orthographic views and selecting "Paste object here" from the pop-up menu.
- There are many objects available to be used inside of RED. All objects in RED can be classified into the following categories:
- Regions
- Triggers
- Emitters
- Target
- Light
- Clutter
- Cutscene Camera
- Cutscene Path Node
- Decal
- Entity
- Event
- Item
- Multiplayer Respawn Point
- Nav Point
- Player Start
- Room Effect
- EAX Effect
- Keyframes
Group Mode
What is a group?
A group is a collection of one or more brushes and/or objects. A brush and/or object can exist in more than one group. A group is defined by a group name. There are 3 basic types of groups: Master groups (which are predefined), user-defined groups, and moving groups. Groups are used to make handling multiple brushes and/or objects easier and more efficient.
- See RED Groups for more detailed information on groups.
- Groups: This is the group tree. Groups are broken down into three categories. The first is Master Groups which are created by the editor and cannot be modified. Whenever you create anything in the editor, it will be added to a Master Group. The second category, User-Defined Groups, are groups that you create. Using User Defined Groups will make the level design process much easier for you. The last category is reserved for Moving Groups. The currently selected groups will be highlighted in blue.
- Create: Creates a User Defined Group from the currently selected brush(es) and/or object(s). Clicking this button will bring up a dialog box so you can name your new group. If you choose not to name a group, it will be automatically be named "temp###". "Temp" group names are automatically and incrementally named.
- Dissolve: This will dissolve the currently selected group. It will not delete any brush(es) or object(s) in the group.
- Add To: This will add the currently selected brush(es) and/or object(s) to the currently selected group.
- Remove: This will remove the currently selected brush(es) and/or object(s) from the currently selected groups.
- Save: This allows you save out User Defined Group and Moving Groups. This will bring up the Save Group dialog box.
- Load: This will bring up the Load Group dialog box. When you load a group, it will always be placed at the location it was saved at.
- Rename: This will allow you to rename the currently selected group.
- Lock: This will lock all brushes of the currently selected group so they cannot be moved or modified accidentally.
- Unlock: This will unlock all brushes of the currently selected group so they can be moved or modified.
- Duplicate: This will create a duplicate of the currently selected group. The duplicate group will retain all links within itself. You can chose to have the editor automatically rename the duplicate group or change the name manually.
- Keyframe: This will create a keyframe for a Moving Groups or turn a User Defined Group into a Moving Group
- Dissolve Temporary: This will dissolve all temporary User Defined Groups (temp###) that you have created.
Select Objects
Accessible via Tools Menu
- OK: Click this to confirm any changes you have made and close the dialog box.
- Cancel: Click this to close the dialog box and lose any changes you have made.
- Object List: This shows every object (and it's UID) in the level that is currently not hidden.
- Show In List: This displays all the categories of objects. The checkbox allows to selectively filter out whole categories of objects form the Object List.
- Sort By Name: This will sort the Object List by the script name of the objects.
- Sort By Type: This will sort the Object List by object category.
- Select All: Click this to select all objects currently displayed in the Object List
- Invert Selection: Click this to invert the selection of any objects in the Object List.
- Jump To: Close Select Objects and jump camera in currently active viewport to the XYZ of the selected object.
- View From: Not implemented. Use Teleport (CTRL + T) instead.
Hide Objects
Accessible via Tools Menu
- OK: Click this to confirm any changes you have made and close the dialog box.
- Cancel: Click this to close the dialog box and lose any changes you have made.
- Object List: This shows every object (and it's UID) in the level. The checkbox next to the object indicates whether it is hidden or not.
- Show In List: This displays all the categories of objects. The checkbox allows to selectively filter out whole categories of objects form the Object List.
- Sort By Name: This will sort the Object List by the script name of the objects.
- Sort By Type: This will sort the Object List by object category.
- Select All: Click this to select all objects currently displayed in the Object List
- Invert Selection: Click this to invert the selection of any objects in the Object List.
Generate Report
Accessible via Tools Menu
- OK: Generate report with currently selected options.
- Cancel: Close the dialog box.
- Objects: If you want object information included in the generated report, tick the information you want.
- Resource Info: Tick to include resource info in generated report.
- Instance Info: Tick to include instance info in generated report.
- Texture Info: Tick to include texture info in generated report.