RED Event List

From Red Faction Wiki

This page lists all event scripting objects available in RED. To read more about how the scripting system itself works, see Events.


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Used to force AI entities to attack objects.
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This is a special type of Event which doesn’t respond to On or Off messages. This event is used as a position where AI will drop off objects while in AI_COLLECTING_MODE. This is how Grabber robots can drop their rocks off at a specific location.
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This event is used to force linked entities to drop any weapons they may be holding.
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This event will force all linked objects to follow a specified waypoint list, with a specific following method.
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This event will make all linked entities travel to the Event location.
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This event will make all linked entities travel to the Player position. The linked entities will continue to pathfind to the Player until they have line-of-sight. When the entities can see the Player, they will return to their default AI.
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This event toggles the headlamp state of all linked entities (realistically, vehicles). Default state is for headlamps to be disabled.
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This event will forcefully holster the player's weapon.
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This event will forcefully holster the weapon of any linked entities.
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This Event will cause any linked AI to turn and face the Event location.
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This event will cause a linked AI to play a specific animation. If the animation is a state animation (i.e., a looping animation) then it will replace the current animation state for the AI. If the animation is an action animation (i.e., a one-time animation) then it is blended with the current state.
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This event is used to set the AI mode of all linked entities, overriding the AI mode configured in the properties of those entities.
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This event will set the Friendliness of all linked objects.
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This event will cause all linked AI to shoot at the Event location. The AI will continue to shoot at the Event until an Off message is received.
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This event will make all linked AI shoot once in the direction they are currently facing.


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This event will send an On message to all linked Events at a specified interval. This Event has to receive an On Message before it will begin sending out messages.
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Forwards a response it receives to all linked events after the specified delay duration.
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This event will change On messages to Off messages (and Off to On) before forwarding them to any linked Events.
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This event behaves like a switch that remembers it’s state (on or off). This Event can be used to turn lights on or off, and can be used to let the player activate special events. If the Event is linked to a VFX, this VFX is used as the model for the switch (the default state of the VFX should be off, with the animation taking the VFX to the on state).
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This event sends an On message to all linked events when the object to which the When_Armor_Reaches event is linked reaches the specified amount of armor, either by armor being added or by suffering damage.
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This event sends an On message to all linked events when a countdown ends. (countdowns are started with Countdown_Begin)
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This event sends an On message to all linked events when a countdown reaches the specified value. (countdowns are started with Countdown_Begin)
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This event sends an On message to all linked events when a cutscene ends. (cutscenes are started with Cutscene)
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This event will send an On message to all linked Events when all linked objects have died. This Event is used when you want to do something when a specific object has been destroyed. Note that savegame files can store only 20 When_Dead events in a given level, so if you're mapping for single player, it's highly recommended to include no more than 20 When_Dead events in a single map.
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This event sends an On message to all linked events when the player enters the linked vehicle entity.
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This event will send an On message to all linked Events when a linked object (normally an entity) suffers damage from a weapon (normally due to being shot by the player).
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This event sends an On message to all linked events when the object to which the When_Life_Reaches event is linked reaches the specified amount of life, either by being healed or by suffering damage.
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This event sends an On message to all linked events when the player attempts to leave a vehicle entity they are piloting.


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This event toggles the level alarm.
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This event plays an audible alarm sound, without turning the level alarm on (as the Alarm event does).
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This event is used to activate an in-game cutscene. This event is very powerful, but also very complicated, with loads of options configured in the event properties. Please refer to the cutscene tutorials on the RF1 Editing Main Page for information on how to use cutscenes.
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This event toggles the active state of all linked Nav Points.
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This event triggers an endgame sequence, and displays text from endgame.tbl. The Script Name parameter of the Endgame event is used to specify which entry from endgame.tbl is displayed to the player as an on response from this event.
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This event will cause an explosion to occur at the event location. The explosion can be made to cause a geomod, and you can control the amount of damage caused by the explosion.
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This event can either block or forward On messages, depending on the state of an associated goal_set Event.
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This event will create a goal variable (integer) when it receives an On message. The variable name will be the script name of the Goal_Create event.
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This event will increment a goal variable every time it receives an On message (Off messages will cause the count value to decrement).
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This event is used to toggle the active state of linked Items (ie. whether they can be picked up). The default behaviour of Items is enabled (they can be picked up).
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This event will cause the specified level to load. The Player will be taken to the new level seamlessly. Note that a level cannot have two Load_Level events with the same Script Name, so you should change the Script Name for each Load_Level event you place to something that makes sense to you.
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This event will make a sound file play and display the associated text on the Player HUD.
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This event is used for initializing and configuring security monitors and mirrors.
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Plays a specified music track.
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This event stops all music currently being played.
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This event will cause a sound to play. The sound can be a 3D or 2D sound, and it can be made to loop.
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This event is used to play a specified vclip (from vclip.tbl)
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This event will destroy all objects linked to the event. Objects will disappear instantly (i.e., without their death sequence).
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This event will kill all linked objects, and allow their death sequence to play.
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This event will cause a specific object type to be created. The object is created at the event location, with an identity matrix orientation.
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This event will cause the specified textures (up to 2 per event) to be used on all linked objects.


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This event adds or subtracts from the armor of all linked objects.
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Fade the player's camera out to, or in from, full black.
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This event is used to toggle the active state of linked bolt emitters. The default state for bolt emitters is controlled by the "Emitter is initially on" flag in the emitter properties.
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This event is used to allow entities which would ordinarily trigger an endgame sequence when killed, to be killed without triggering that sequence.
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Cause the AI or Player which triggered the event to receive damage (use a trigger reset time of 0 to make the damage continuous).
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This event controls whether linked objects (normally entities) are attached to movers they intersect (like cranes, elevators, etc.)
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This event is used to toggle the active state of the level's distance-based fog (fog uses the settings configured in Level Properties, and the default behaviour is for fog to be enabled).
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This event forces linked monitors to refresh their displayed image.
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This event will make the player pick up a specific item. Items are normally automatically picked up by the player when they get close enough to them. All game items are specified in items.tbl.
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This event is used to put the player into undercover mode (as used in the RF campaign stealth sequences).
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This event adds or subtracts from the health of all linked objects.
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This event is used to ignite linked entities.
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This event will make the linked AI enter fly mode. If the AI is already flying, this event does nothing. This event can only make AI fly if it normally has the ability (i.e., this event can’t make a Cave Slug fly).
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This event is used to toggle the invulnerability state of linked objects. By default, all objects are vulnerable.
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This event will make the linked AI enter walk mode. If the AI is already walking, this event does nothing. This event can only make AI walk if it normally has the ability (i.e., this event can’t make a Grabber walk).
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Speed up or slow down the movement of all linked rotating movers.
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This event toggles the active state of linked movers.
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This event is used to toggle the active state of linked particle emitters. The default state for particle emitters is controlled by the "Emitter is initially on" flag in the emitter properties.
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This event is used to toggle the active state of linked push regions. The default state for push regions is active/enabled.
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This event is used to immediately reverse the direction in which linked movers are currently moving. This event is linked to a keyframe object.
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Set the downward acceleration due to gravity applied to all objects in the world.
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Linearly transition the liquid depth of the linked Room Effect object to a specified new depth over time.
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This event will shake the viewpoint of the Player.
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Can be used to rotate the skybox around the camera.
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Used to remove weapons from the player's inventory.
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This event will change the model of all linked objects to the model filename that is contained in the event.
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This event will teleport all linked objects to the event location. There are no special effects associated with the teleportation.
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Teleports the player. This is the only event for which pitch/yaw is relevant, so the event displays a small red arrow showing you which direction it is facing.
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This event controls whether linked entities have physics applied. Typically, this event is used alongside Detach to move entities via cranes or similar. Physics is enabled by default.
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Manipulate the visibility of linked object(s). Note that if this event is used to unhide an entity, the entity will not be "unhidden" until the next time its' root bone is out of the player's line of sight. Because of this, you will normally want to be sure to send an on message to an unhide event at a time the linked entity is out of the player's view.


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This event can be used to activate a Capek nanotech shield on-demand for entities that support it.
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This event is used to start an on-HUD countdown.
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This event is used to forcibly end an active countdown.
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This event brings up the RF1 campaign endgame nuke puzzle sequence.
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Displays a specified image/texture filename stretched to the player's window resolution. Note that Dash Faction is required for alpha channels on fullscreen images to function correctly.
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This event is used in very niche circumstances to force a gun to fire without playing its normal animation. Typically, you would do this while already playing a properly-timed custom animation.
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This event stops the player from being able to leave a vehicle they're piloting.
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This event triggers the PS2 demo endgame sequence, which involves 3 demo upsell graphics (demo-upsell1.tga, demo-upsell2.tga, demo-upsell3.tga) and then drops back to the main menu.


  • The below events are not readily accessible via the Events section of Object Mode, but are referenced in events.tbl and/or RED documentation.
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This Event will force all linked objects to follow and protect the Player. This should only be used to make Hendrix follow (or stop following) the Player.
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This is a special type of event which doesn’t respond to On or Off messages. This event is used to maintain the correct positions and orientations off all objects in the transition areas between levels. This event needs to be placed in the location of the trigger which causes level loading in the other level involved in the transition.
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This Event will set the state of any linked lights. Currently this event can set a light on or off, but any light related changes (like making a light flash, change color, etc.) can be data within this event.
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This event will add the Shield Delta value to the shield of all linked objects. (this event was likely replaced by Armor)