Interview with Beatonator - Levels4you

From Red Faction Wiki

NOTE: This interview, entitled Interview : Beatonator (RF Mapper/Modder), was originally posted on March 19, 2004 on Levels4you, which is no longer available. The interview was conducted by TheBeast. [1]

The smart, the outstanding, the fighter, the elite Beatonator!

Beatonator is what we would call one of the more “quieter” people of the community. He is always willing to help out, he’s a fighter, and he has a sense of humour. All that’s needed to be a perfect gamer.

1. How long have you been mapping?

Well I started mapping for Red Faction as soon as I got the game for PC, I originally saw Red Faction at my friend’s house on his new PC. When I saw it I thought, wow! I must get this game! When I got a PS2 a little later on it was my first game I brought. I then got the game for PC only because it had a map editor, it was the first thing I opened!

2. What made you start mapping and why did you start mapping?

Well I really enjoy games that include building, EG. Rollercoaster Tycoon, Caeser 3 etc... I started mapping, as I loved playing my creations. After making my first level (and testing it) I was hooked!

3. Have you learnt any new techniques since your started mapping?

Well, I learnt as I went along, one of the last things I learned was 'Fusing' and that was a while ago, but you have to be careful with that technique as if you use it too much or wrong it really messes up your level. There is a lot of functions I haven't bothered trying but will do at some point. Things like 'Clip', 'Twist', 'Collapse' I have an idea what they are used for but I haven’t found a use for them yet. I’m sure Kiliad could, LOL!

4. Have you ever mapped for any other games?

Well, Nothing up to Red Faction standards, but I made/make maps for StarCraft, Scenarios style and Melee/Use Map Settings to play with my friends. I still have to play with someone from L4Y, the only person I have played is Trigger! And he is a pretty good player, he excels against A.I. but unfortunately due to inexperience on he isn’t up to date on Strategies, and Tactics!

5. Do you plan on mapping for any new games?

Well, I used to be a game-a-holic but I haven’t found games I’m REALLY interested in lately, that was until FarCry came along! And after hearing it has a Map Editor, as well as is going to have excellent Mod support I’m definitely going to get it! The Demo made up my mind, it is well worth getting, apart from that there is Final Fantasy X-2 I’m thinking of getting. I have heard great things about this game! And maybe Halo 2 and UT2004.

6. Which mapper do you most admire?

There are lots of mappers I admire, They are each unique and bring something different to the game. 2 Mappers that Stick out more than others are Kiliad and NoClanFrank, they have the most played maps (apart from WRECKS microfactions) and both mappers have alot of skill, Kiliad is Never afraid to try anything, he is always trying new things and helping others. NoClanFrank helps the most in the Forums, whenever a question needed answering there he is there! His maps concentrate more on Gameplay more than Detail, and its an idea some gamers haven’t grasped, a lot go for Detail more than Game play. Although detail is good, but you need a compromise, you have to remember what your making the maps for. Wrecks is another talented mapper that stands out to me only because he has a good compromise on both Detail AND game play. The last mapper is Saikou, he stands out as his first map released was the Awesome Horyu-ji Temple, which is my favourite all round map in the RFU pack. Also the fact that the map he made for RHF, Construct shows he isn’t afraid to try anything, and he’s got a lot of nasty feedback, but it was an experiment.

7. When making a map, do you go for game play or looks?

For me it probably looks as though it’s game play. None of my maps are extremely detailed but I do always try to include as much detail as possible. My level Suffocation, it was very bland but it achieved exactly what I wanted! Fast Paced game play that was very difficult to slow down! I suppose I could have stuck several Decals in there but what’s the point? Your too busy fighting for your life! I got a lot of Positive feedback from that level, and to make things better I got the biggest reward of all time, Suffocation is in rotations on servers!

8. After completing your map, do you test it? If so, how many people with?

Well whenever I finish a map, or I think I’m nearly finished, I ask my Friends if they are interested in testing a map with me. Sometimes nobody wants to test, Other times I can get 3/4 People at the same time, on average I get 2-3 people testing, then after feedback from them I see if they have a valid point in my eyes, an example is RoMeK, he suggested the windows to be lowered a bit in Advanced Installation, others agreed with him, others didn’t. I decided to leave it as in my opinion it was ok. Often the Testing goes on for a week to 2 weeks on maps that are almost finished but on other maps, like my Aztec Ruins map (I started it before KillaFreak did! The hoser ) the testing has taken place several times yet it isn’t even half way finished, well maybe half way.

9. If you could change one thing about Red Faction, what would it be?

Such a tough question, there are so many answers! Cheaters, Vehicles in MP, more mods (the non-cheating kind) also people complain about whiners and “n00bs”. For me it would have to be..., well,I would change the bad part of the community, all the cheaters, and winners in the community sorted out, etc... But keeping all that is good about the game. Like; Friendly Servers, meeting someone in the game you haven’t seen for ages! Playing friends.

10. If you could ask THQ / Volition one question about Red Faction, what would it be?

Oh! The things I could say! hur hur hur ! Well I would probably ask why don’t you support the gaming community as much as other companies do? What reason do you have for not replying to e-mails or letting others get better control over a game you clearly have abandoned.

11. Have you ever started a map and not finished it?

Tons! If I released all the Maps that were almost done and that were playable then I’m sure I would have more maps than Kiliad has uploaded to L4Y! Some of the maps I have never released are still residing on my PC, 3 of them for examples are:

DM-Phalanx - Another very simple level with unmarked secrets leading into a secret room and if you blow through those walls you find the lower part of the level. I haven’t released this as I doubt anyone would venture down to the lower levels as there aren’t spawn points there.

DM-Maximum - Only Suave has tested this level; a bit more of an experimental level, with 'The Rails' included well only 1 'Rail'. Also had a 5Part door, which took me a while to make properly, but the level has a very unique feature .

DM-CastleStorm - This level brings back everything about RED I dislike. It would have been my RFU map, After having so much trouble and getting it ready for the upload date, I found out that I had got my dates wrong and the map pack had already been released! The two things I dislike about this level that keeps me from releasing it is it doesn’t have an edge, the level just stops. The other thing is its very sparse, a snipers dream, a Castle and a boat, only 2 main areas the rest is open.

12. What is it about Red Faction that makes you keep coming back for more?

RED, and the community, If RF didn’t have RED I wouldn’t have brought it for PC, then when I started playing it with others I just got hooked! The People that play and are regulars are tightly knit together as friends, take Kiliad, TheBeast, Saikou and myself. We play occasionally all together but not once have we I not enjoyed it, and I get the feeling you guys have fun too!

13. Got any info on your “Beaton Mod”?

I got all the info! The Story has changed a tiny bit, at the moment its going to unravel as I go, originally there were 2 Clans on Earth after all the Miners Returned: The Nightmare Clan - A gang of thugs, criminals and the like... the scum of the earth. The Golden Hammers - A Guild of Ex-Miners digging on Earth to find any resources near the centre of the Earth.

The original Story is the 2 clans fought each other and at the start you get to choose which side you want to join, and then the story alters due to it.

But now, you start in what looks like an emergency exit, leading out to the sewers, you cant remember anything and you start by wondering the sewers looking for a way out. Now the 2 clans are both going to be in there warring against each other. The rest you will find out in due course .

I’m working on the single Player at the moment and am starting to get the knack of it! Unfortunately, unless something changes soon (i.e. me suddenly becoming intelligent!) it’s going to be a long time coming as I don’t think people will even think about getting it without new weapons, and at the moment I cant figure it all out!

Look out for my map CTF-Imperium March coming out this weekend!

Thanks for your time, Beat!
