
From Red Faction Wiki

The HUD table file contains configuration settings that control the position of HUD elements in Red Faction.

NOTE: Dash Faction derives settings for custom resolutions (ie. any resolution not defined in this file) from the 1024x768 preset.

Available Parameters

Default Colors

  • $HUD default color -
  • $HUD msg color -
  • $HUD msg bg color -
  • $HUD full color -
  • $HUD mid color -
  • $HUD low color -
  • $HUD countdown color -
  • $HUD body msgcolor -

Raw Text (v1.20)

coordinates for hud items in each resolution
format is: index x y
index #defines found in hud.h
may change this to calculate higher resolutions instead of doing them by hand
(r) indicates a right justified item

NOTE: only 640 has been at all tweaked so far!

// default colors
$HUD default color: { 52, 255, 57, 255}
$HUD msg color: {228, 205, 32, 255}
$HUD msg bg color: { 33, 33, 16, 220}
$HUD full color: { 0, 255, 0, 105}
$HUD mid color: {255, 255, 0, 150}
$HUD low color: {255, 0, 0, 150}
$HUD countdown color: {153, 153, 153, 255}
$HUD body msg color: { 53, 109, 53}

0 33 35 // health
1 75 63 // health value ul corner
2 33 19 // health value width and height
3 10 16 // envirosuit
4 109 63 // envirosuit value ul corner
5 34 18 // envirosuit value width and height
6 518 22 // ammo bar
7 496 22 // ammo signal (behind icon)
8 505 29 // ammo icon
9 522 25 // ammo in clip text ul region coord
10 39 28 // ammo in clip text width and height
11 566 25 // ammo in inv text ul region coord
12 59 28 // ammo in inv text width and height
13 296 218 // reticle
14 562 22 // ammo bar position (with no clip, i.e. when using rockets)
15 540 22 // ammo signal position (with no clip)
16 549 27 // ammo icon position (with no clip)
17 566 25 // ammo in inv ul region coord (with no clip)
18 59 28 // ammo in inv text width and height (with no clip)
19 134 134 // Scope center circle radius (along x and y axes)
20 320 16 // Front damage indicator center
21 16 240 // Left damage indicator center
22 320 464 // Back damage indicator center
23 624 240 // Right damage indicator center
24 519 24 // ammo in clip (bar) ul coord
25 43 38 // ammo in clip (bar) width and height
26 320 16 // Front damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
27 16 240 // Left damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
28 320 232 // Back damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
29 212 240 // Right damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
30 166 21 // hud persona message box upper left
31 438 68 // hud persona message box width/height
32 239 23 // hud persona message box text area upper left
33 360 0 // hud persona message box text area width (height ignored)
34 168 23 // hud persona head image
35 168 89 // hud persona head image name
36 -65 319 // hud persona sub offset
37 320 320 // hud message (non persona) width and upper Y value (they render centered)
38 475 0 // hud message log text area width (height ignored)
39 507 102 // hud countdown timer
40 30 137 // #define HUD_CORPSE_ICON
41 70 180 // #define HUD_CORPSE_TEXT
42 38 44 // #define HUD_JEEP
43 153 54 // #define HUD_JEEP_FRAME
44 157 56 // #define HUD_JEEP_VALUE
45 62 35 // #define HUD_DRILLER
46 229 48 // #define HUD_DRILLER_FRAME
47 233 50 // #define HUD_DRILLER_VALUE

0 33 35 // health
1 75 63 // health value ul corner
2 33 19 // health value width and height
3 10 16 // envirosuit
4 109 63 // envirosuit value ul corner
5 34 18 // envirosuit value width and height
6 518 22 // ammo bar
7 496 22 // ammo signal (behind icon)
8 505 29 // ammo icon
9 522 25 // ammo in clip text ul region coord
10 39 28 // ammo in clip text width and height
11 566 25 // ammo in inv text ul region coord
12 59 28 // ammo in inv text width and height
13 296 218 // reticle
14 562 22 // ammo bar position (with no clip, i.e. when using rockets)
15 540 22 // ammo signal position (with no clip)
16 549 27 // ammo icon position (with no clip)
17 566 25 // ammo in inv ul region coord (with no clip)
18 59 28 // ammo in inv text width and height (with no clip)
19 134 134 // Scope center circle radius (along x and y axes)
20 320 16 // Front damage indicator center
21 16 256 // Left damage indicator center
22 320 496 // Back damage indicator center
23 624 256 // Right damage indicator center
24 519 24 // ammo in clip (bar) ul coord
25 43 38 // ammo in clip (bar) width and height
26 320 16 // Front damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
27 16 272 // Left damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
28 320 264 // Back damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
29 212 272 // Right damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
30 166 21 // hud persona message box background ul
31 438 68 // hud persona message box background w/h
32 239 23 // hud persona message box text area upper left
33 360 0 // hud persona message box text area width (height ignored)
34 168 23 // hud persona head image
35 168 89 // hud persona head image name
36 -65 319 // hud persona sub offset
37 320 320 // hud message (non persona) width and upper Y value (they render centered)
38 475 0 // hud message log text area width (height ignored)
39 507 102 // hud countdown timer
40 30 137 // #define HUD_CORPSE_ICON
41 70 180 // #define HUD_CORPSE_TEXT
42 38 44 // #define HUD_JEEP
43 153 54 // #define HUD_JEEP_FRAME
44 157 56 // #define HUD_JEEP_VALUE
45 62 35 // #define HUD_DRILLER
46 229 48 // #define HUD_DRILLER_FRAME
47 233 50 // #define HUD_DRILLER_VALUE

0 24 25 // health
1 62 53 // health value ul corner
2 38 19 // health value width and height
3 5 6 // envirosuit
4 100 53 // envirosuit value ul corner
5 39 18 // envirosuit value width and height
6 518 12 // ammo bar
7 496 12 // ammo signal (behind icon)
8 493 11 // ammo icon
9 522 15 // ammo in clip text ul region coord
10 39 28 // ammo in clip text width and height
11 566 15 // ammo in inv text ul region coord
12 59 28 // ammo in inv text width and height
13 296 218 // reticle
14 562 12 // ammo bar position (with no clip, i.e. when using rockets)
15 540 12 // ammo signal position (with no clip)
16 540 12 // ammo icon position (with no clip)
17 576 15 // ammo in inv ul region coord (with no clip)
18 49 28 // ammo in inv text width and height (with no clip)
19 134 134 // Scope center circle radius (along x and y axes)
20 320 16 // Front damage indicator center
21 16 240 // Left damage indicator center
22 320 464 // Back damage indicator center
23 624 240 // Right damage indicator center
24 519 14 // ammo in clip (bar) ul coord
25 33 38 // ammo in clip (bar) width and height
26 320 16 // Front damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
27 16 240 // Left damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
28 320 232 // Back damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
29 212 240 // Right damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
30 166 10 // hud persona message box background ul
31 438 70 // hud persona message box background w/h
32 239 23 // hud persona message box text area upper left
33 245 0 // hud persona message box text area width (height ignored)
34 168 23 // hud persona head image
35 168 92 // hud persona head image name
36 0 360 // hud persona sub offset - x is ignored, always centered
37 320 340 // hud message (non persona) width and upper Y value (they render centered)
38 420 0 // hud message log text area width (height ignored)
39 17 133 // hud countdown timer
40 35 137 // #define HUD_CORPSE_ICON
41 75 180 // #define HUD_CORPSE_TEXT
42 38 44 // #define HUD_JEEP
43 153 54 // #define HUD_JEEP_FRAME
44 157 56 // #define HUD_JEEP_VALUE
45 62 35 // #define HUD_DRILLER
46 229 48 // #define HUD_DRILLER_FRAME
47 233 50 // #define HUD_DRILLER_VALUE

0 24 25 // health
1 62 53 // health value ul corner
2 38 19 // health value width and height
3 5 6 // envirosuit
4 100 53 // envirosuit value ul corner
5 39 18 // envirosuit value width and height
6 678 12 // ammo bar
7 656 12 // ammo signal (behind icon)
8 655 12 // ammo icon
9 682 15 // ammo in clip text ul region coord
10 39 28 // ammo in clip text width and height
11 726 15 // ammo in inv text ul region coord
12 59 28 // ammo in inv text width and height
13 296 218 // reticle
14 722 12 // ammo bar position (with no clip, i.e. when using rockets)
15 700 12 // ammo signal position (with no clip)
16 700 12 // ammo icon position (with no clip)
17 726 15 // ammo in inv ul region coord (with no clip)
18 59 28 // ammo in inv text width and height (with no clip)
19 134 134 // Scope center circle radius (along x and y axes)
20 400 16 // Front damage indicator center
21 16 300 // Left damage indicator center
22 400 584 // Back damage indicator center
23 784 300 // Right damage indicator center
24 679 14 // ammo in clip (bar) ul coord
25 44 38 // ammo in clip (bar) width and height
26 320 16 // Front damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
27 16 240 // Left damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
28 320 232 // Back damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
29 212 240 // Right damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
30 180 10 // hud persona message box background ul
31 440 68 // hud persona message box background w/h
32 254 23 // hud persona message box text area upper left
33 405 0 // hud persona message box text area width (height ignored)
34 183 23 // hud persona head image
35 183 92 // hud persona head image name
36 0 480 // hud persona sub offset
37 400 425 // hud message (non persona) width and upper Y value (they render centered)
38 420 0 // hud message log text area width (height ignored)
39 17 133 // hud countdown timer
40 35 137 // #define HUD_CORPSE_ICON
41 75 180 // #define HUD_CORPSE_TEXT
42 38 44 // #define HUD_JEEP
43 153 54 // #define HUD_JEEP_FRAME
44 157 56 // #define HUD_JEEP_VALUE
45 62 35 // #define HUD_DRILLER
46 229 48 // #define HUD_DRILLER_FRAME
47 233 50 // #define HUD_DRILLER_VALUE

0 24 25 // health
1 62 53 // health value ul corner
2 38 19 // health value width and height
3 5 6 // envirosuit
4 100 53 // envirosuit value ul corner
5 39 18 // envirosuit value width and height
6 903 12 // ammo bar
7 881 12 // ammo signal (behind icon)
8 880 12 // ammo icon
9 907 15 // ammo in clip text ul region coord
10 39 28 // ammo in clip text width and height
11 951 15 // ammo in inv text ul region coord
12 59 28 // ammo in inv text width and height
13 296 218 // reticle
14 947 12 // ammo bar position (with no clip, i.e. when using rockets)
15 925 12 // ammo signal position (with no clip)
16 925 12 // ammo icon position (with no clip)
17 951 15 // ammo in inv ul region coord (with no clip)
18 59 28 // ammo in inv text width and height (with no clip)
19 134 134 // Scope center circle radius (along x and y axes)
20 512 16 // Front damage indicator center
21 16 384 // Left damage indicator center
22 512 752 // Back damage indicator center
23 1008 384 // Right damage indicator center
24 904 14 // ammo in clip (bar) ul coord
25 43 38 // ammo in clip (bar) width and height
26 320 16 // Front damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
27 16 240 // Left damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
28 320 232 // Back damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
29 212 240 // Right damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
30 272 10 // hud persona message box background ul
31 480 68 // hud persona message box background w/h
32 350 23 // hud persona message box text area upper left
33 629 0 // hud persona message box text area width (height ignored)
34 274 23 // hud persona head image
35 274 92 // hud persona head image name
36 0 648 // hud persona sub offset
37 512 600 // hud message (non persona) width and upper Y value (they render centered)
38 420 0 // hud message log text area width (height ignored)
39 17 133 // hud countdown timer
40 35 137 // #define HUD_CORPSE_ICON
41 75 180 // #define HUD_CORPSE_TEXT
42 38 44 // #define HUD_JEEP
43 153 54 // #define HUD_JEEP_FRAME
44 157 56 // #define HUD_JEEP_VALUE
45 62 35 // #define HUD_DRILLER
46 229 48 // #define HUD_DRILLER_FRAME
47 233 50 // #define HUD_DRILLER_VALUE

0 24 25 // health
1 62 53 // health value ul corner
2 38 19 // health value width and height
3 5 6 // envirosuit
4 100 53 // envirosuit value ul corner
5 39 18 // envirosuit value width and height
6 1158 12 // ammo bar
7 1136 12 // ammo signal (behind icon)
8 1135 12 // ammo icon
9 1162 15 // ammo in clip text ul region coord
10 39 28 // ammo in clip text width and height
11 1206 15 // ammo in inv text ul region coord
12 59 28 // ammo in inv text width and height
13 296 218 // reticle
14 1202 12 // ammo bar position (with no clip, i.e. when using rockets)
15 1180 12 // ammo signal position (with no clip)
16 1180 12 // ammo icon position (with no clip)
17 1206 15 // ammo in inv ul region coord (with no clip)
18 59 28 // ammo in inv text width and height (with no clip)
19 134 134 // Scope center circle radius (along x and y axes)
20 640 16 // Front damage indicator center
21 16 512 // Left damage indicator center
22 640 1008 // Back damage indicator center
23 1264 512 // Right damage indicator center
24 1159 14 // ammo in clip (bar) ul coord
25 44 39 // ammo in clip (bar) width and height
26 320 16 // Front damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
27 16 240 // Left damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
28 320 232 // Back damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
29 212 240 // Right damage indicator center SPLITSCREEN (relative to clip region)
30 400 10 // hud persona message box background ul
31 480 68 // hud persona message box background w/h
32 480 23 // hud persona message box text area upper left
33 885 0 // hud persona message box text area width (height ignored)
34 402 23 // hud persona head image
35 402 92 // hud persona head image name
36 0 904 // hud persona sub offset
37 640 850 // hud message (non persona) width and upper Y value (they render centered)
38 480 0 // hud message log text area width (height ignored)
39 17 133 // hud countdown timer
40 35 137 // #define HUD_CORPSE_ICON
41 75 180 // #define HUD_CORPSE_TEXT
42 38 44 // #define HUD_JEEP
43 153 54 // #define HUD_JEEP_FRAME
44 157 56 // #define HUD_JEEP_VALUE
45 62 35 // #define HUD_DRILLER
46 229 48 // #define HUD_DRILLER_FRAME
47 233 50 // #define HUD_DRILLER_VALUE