Red Faction Console Commands

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The Red Faction console is accessible from both clients and dedicated servers in every known version of Red Faction PC, except the International Demo.

Example of the dedicated server console usage

Console Hotkeys

Hotkey Function
[~] Show/hide the console (only applicable for clients).
[TAB] Complete partially-entered command.
[F3] Display most recently entered command.
[Up] Cycle back through recently entered commands.
[Down] Cycle forward through recently entered commands.
[Page Up] Browse back through the console log.
[Page Down] Browse forward through the console log.

Available Commands

Base Game

  • This table lists console commands available as of the latest official client version (v1.20).
Command Syntax Useful in SP Useful for MP Clients Useful for MP Servers Usable via rcon Function
ban [player name] No No Yes Yes Kicks the specified player from the server and adds their IP address to your banlist.txt file.
ban_ip [ip address/range] No No Yes Yes Kicks any players with the specified IP address/range from the server and adds that IP address/range to your banlist.txt file.
info Yes Yes Yes No Displays information such as level name, time, framerate, names of connected clients, client pings, and client IPs (if run on a server).
kick [player name] No No Yes Yes Kicks the specified player from the server. (does not ban them)
level [ .rfl filename] Yes No Yes Yes Changes to the specified level. If run as a client while that not connected to a server, the level will be loaded in single player mode. If run as a server (or via rcon), the server will switch to the level in multiplayer mode.
name [player name] No Yes Yes* No If run as a client, changes the client's name to the specified name. If run as a listen server, changes the client's name to the specified name plus changes the server's name to "[player name]'s game". Spaces and other special characters can be specified via this command by encapsulating the desired name in quotation marks.
rcon_request [rcon password] No Yes No No Requests remote console privileges. Only usable when connected to a dedicated server that has an rcon password configured in dedicated_server.txt. Password is case insensitive (except in Dash Faction v1.3.0+).
quit Yes Yes Yes No Exits the server or client without asking for confirmation.
rate [number or rate preset ] No Yes Yes No Set the server or client network update rate (in bytes/sec).
say [chat message] No Yes Yes No Sends a chat message to everyone in the server from your player name. If run as a dedicated server, chat message is sent from "Server". Spaces and other special characters can be specified via this command by encapsulating the chat message in quotation marks.
team_say [chat message] No Yes No No Sends a chat message to everyone on the same team as you in the server. Only usable in team gamemodes.
team ["red" or "blue"] No Yes No No Swap to the specified team. Only usable in team gamemodes.
simultaneous_ping [integer] No Yes No No Specify number of multiplayer servers to query simultaneously.
dump_tga Yes Yes No No Toggle between .tga & .jpg format for screenshots (when you press the [Print Screen] key).
help Yes Yes Yes No Display list of available commands.
? Yes Yes Yes No Alias for help.
man Yes Yes Yes No Alias for help.
kill Yes Yes No No Kill yourself.
rcon [rcon command] No Yes* No No Prefix for issuing remote console commands to a dedicated server to which you've already authenticated via rcon_request.
vivalahelvig Yes No No No Toggle god mode. (Undocumented)
bighugmug Yes No No No Give player all weapons and ammo. (Undocumented)
heehoo Yes No No No Toggle player movemode between flying and walking. (Undocumented)
camera1 Yes No No No Set camera mode to first person (default). (Undocumented)
camera2 Yes No No No Set camera mode to free camera. (Undocumented)
camera3 Yes No No No Set camera mode to third person. (Undocumented)

Alpine Faction

  • This table lists additional console commands available in Alpine Faction. Note that all commands listed above under Base Game are also still usable in Alpine Faction.
Command Syntax Required Alpine Version Useful in SP Useful for MP Clients Useful for MP Servers Usable via rcon Function
. [string] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Find console commands that contain the provided string
antialiasing 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle anti-aliasing
bighud 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle big HUD
cl_damageflash 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle damage screen flash effect
cl_gorelevel [value] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Set gore level. Valid options are 0 (no blood), 1 (normal), 2 (normal + gibbing)
cl_hud 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle HUD visibility
cl_linearpitch 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggles linear pitch angle for mouse movement
cl_scannersens [value] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Sets mouse sensitivity modifier used while in a scanner (0.01 - 10.00)
cl_scopesens [value] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Sets mouse sensitivity modifier used while in a scope (0.01 - 10.00)
cl_screenshake 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Disable screenshake. In multiplayer, this is only applied if the server allows it.
cl_showfps 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle FPS counter
cl_staticscopesens 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle whether scope mouse sensitivity is static or dynamic (based on zoom level).
cl_swaparcontrols 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Swap Assault Rifle controls
cl_swapnadecontrols 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Swap Grenade controls
cl_togglecrouch 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle crouch mode between hold and toggle mode
d_fullscreen 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Enter fullscreen mode
d_perf_dump 1.0.0+ Yes No Yes No Dump performance data
d_profiler 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Toggle profiler
d_profiler_log 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Log profiler output
d_profiler_print 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Print profiler data
d_windowed 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Enter windowed mode
dbg_events 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Print debug information for events
dbg_framegraph 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Show frame graph
dbg_frameratetest 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Start frame rate test
dbg_goal [goal name] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Look up the current value of a named goal
dbg_room_clip_wnd 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Debug room clip window
dbg_systeminfo 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Show system information
dbg_timedemo 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Start timedemo
dbg_verifylevel 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Verify level
debug [argument] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle display of built-in debug features. The types are: thruster, light, light2, push_climb_reg, geo_reg, glass, mover, ignite, movemode, perf, perfbar, waypoint, network, particlestats, weapon, event, trigger, objrender, roomstats, trans, room, portal, lightmap, nolightmap, show_invisible_faces, particle_emitter.
download_level [filename] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Downloads level from if not already loaded
download_level_force [filename] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Force download of a level from, overwriting your local copy if one exists
drop_clutter [class name] 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Spawn a clutter object by class name
drop_entity [class name] 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Spawn an entity by class name
drop_item [class name] 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Spawn an item by class name
fflink_status 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Check status of your client's link with
findlevel [string] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Find a level by a filename fragment
findmap [string] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Alias for findlevel
help [command] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Prints usage information and other help strings for the specified command
inputmode 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggles input mode between classic input and DirectInput
kill_messages 1.0.0+ No Yes Yes No Toggles printing of kill messages in chatbox and console
level_info 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Shows basic information about the current level
level_info_ext 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Shows extended information about the current level
levelm 1.0.0+ No No No No Start a local multiplayer game on the specified level. Command must be issued from main menu
levelsounds [volume] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Sets level sounds volume scale (0.0 - 1.0)
map [filename] 1.0.0+ Yes No Yes Yes Alias for level (loads specified map)
map_ext 1.0.0+ No No Yes Yes Extend round time
map_info 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Alias for level_info
map_info_ext 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Alias for level_info_ext
map_next 1.0.0+ No No Yes Yes Load next level
map_prev 1.0.0+ No No Yes Yes Load previous level
map_rand 1.0.0+ No No Yes Yes Load random level from rotation
map_rest 1.0.0+ No No Yes Yes Restart current level
max_decals [number] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Set maximum number of decals (128 - 512)
maxfps [number] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Set maximal FPS [10 - 10000]
mp_deathbars 1.0.0+ No Yes No No Toggle red bars at the top and bottom of screen when dead
mp_notifyonjoin 1.0.0+ No Yes No No Toggle notification beeps being played when a player joins the server you are in when your game doesn't have focus
mp_playercount 1.0.0+ No Yes Yes No Get player count
mp_ricochet 1.0.0+ No Yes No No Toggles whether bullets ricochet in multiplayer (strictly visual, they deal no damage regardless)
ms [value] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Set mouse sensitivity (0.00 - 1.00)
mute_all_players 1.0.0+ No Yes Yes No Mutes all players in multiplayer chat
mute_player [name] 1.0.0+ No Yes Yes No Mutes a single player in multiplayer chat
pcollide 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Toggle player collision
r_detailtextures 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle detail textures
r_fov [value] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Sets horizontal FOV (field of view) in degrees. Use 0 to enable automatic FOV scaling.
r_fpgunfov [value] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Set scale value applied to FOV setting for first person weapon models.
r_fullbright 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle fullbright character meshes. In multiplayer, this is only available if the server allows it.
r_gamma [value] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Set gamma value
r_lightmaps 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Render only lightmaps for level geometry (no textures). In multiplayer, this is only available if the server allows it.
r_lodscale [value] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Sets LOD distance scale factor
r_meshlighting 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle mesh static lighting calculation
r_muzzleflash 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle muzzle flash lights. In multiplayer, this is only applied if the server allows it.
r_nearest 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle nearest texture filtering
r_pow2tex 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Enforce power of 2 textures. Fixes textures in older levels, may cause issues with textures in newer ones. Only affects levels loaded after usage of this command.
r_scopefullrangelights [scope] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Set level scope for full range lighting. Only affects levels loaded after usage of this command. (alpine, community, or all)
r_trilinearfiltering 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle trilinear filtering
save_commands 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Print all console commands to a text file named console_commands.txt
cl_showenemybullets 1.0.0+ No Yes No No Toggles visibility of enemy bullet impacts
sound 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle sound
sp_autosave 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Toggles whether autosave is enabled
sp_difficulty [difficulty] 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Set game difficulty (easy, medium, hard, or impossible)
sp_levelhardness [number] 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Set default hardness for geomods (0 - 100)
sp_unlimitedsemiauto 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Toggles whether the fire rate for semi-automatic weapons in single player has a cooldown
spectate [name] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggles spectate mode (free look by default, first person if name specified). In single player, this is an alias for camera2
spectate_followkiller 1.0.0+ No Yes No No When a player you're spectating dies, automatically spectate their killer
spectate_minui 1.0.0+ No Yes No No Toggles spectate mode minimal UI
sv_caplimit [number] 1.0.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets capture limit for CTF mode
sv_countclients 1.0.0+ No No Yes No Show number of connected clients
sv_fraglimit [number] 1.0.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets kill limit
sv_geolimit [number] 1.0.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets geomod limit (0 - 128)
sv_kickall 1.0.0+ No No Yes No Kick all clients
sv_netfps [number] 1.0.0+ No No Yes No Set number of updates sent from server to clients per second (12 - 60)
sv_pass [password] 1.0.0+ No No Yes Yes Set or remove the server password.
sv_rconpass [passwprd] 1.0.0+ No No Yes No Set or remove the server rcon password.
sv_timelimit [number] 1.0.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets time limit
teleport [X] [Y] [Z] 1.0.0+ Yes No No No Teleport player to specific coordinates (format: X Y Z)
ui_playernames 1.0.0+ No Yes No No Toggle player names on HUD
ui_reticlescale [scale] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Sets/gets reticle scale
unban_last 1.0.0+ No No Yes Yes Unbans last banned player
ver 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Display version info
vli 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggles volumetric lighting
which_packfile [filename] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Prints packfile path that the provided file is included in
where [filename] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Alias for which_packfile

Dash Faction

  • This table lists console commands introduced in Dash Faction. Note that all commands listed above under Base Game are also still usable in Dash Faction.
Command Syntax Required Dash Version Useful in SP Useful for MP Clients Useful for MP Servers Usable via rcon Function
maxfps [integer] 0.6.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Sets maximal FPS limit. Allowed range is 10 - 240. Higher or lower values will be clamped.
hud 0.6.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle HUD visibility.
unban_last 0.6.0+ No No Yes Yes Remove most recently banned player from the ban list.
spectate [player name] 1.2.0+* No Yes No No If a player is specified, start spectate mode from that player's perspective. In Dash 1.4.1+, entering this command without a specified player starts free camera spectate mode instead.
inputmode 1.2.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle between RF default and DirectInput mouse input modes.
ms [decimal value] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Set mouse sensitivity to the specified decimal value. Entering this command without a specified value displays the current value.
vli 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle volumetric lighting.
findmap [search string] 1.2.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Search locally-installed levels and return all filenames that contain the specified search string.
levelsounds [decimal value] 1.0.0+ Yes Yes No No Set the volume for in-level sounds (such as ambient sounds) to the specified decimal value. Entering this command without a specified value displays the current value.
map [ .rfl filename] 1.3.0+ Yes No Yes Yes Alias for level.
levelsp [ .rfl filename] 0.6.0 - 1.3.0 Yes No No No Load the specified level in single player mode. Deprecated as of Dash 1.3.0 as the level command now performs the same function when not connected to a server.
findlevel [search string] 1.3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Alias for findmap.
show_enemy_bullets 1.3.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle visibility of bullet impact effects for shots fired by opponents.
debug [debug type] 1.3.0+ Yes No No No Toggle display of built-in debug features. Entering "help debug" displays full list of available types. The types are: thruster, light, light2, push_climb_reg, geo_reg, glass, mover, ignite, movemode, perf, perfbar, waypoint, network, particlestats, weapon, event, trigger, objrender, roomstats, trans, room, portal, lightmap, and nolightmap. Additional debug type show_invisible_faces is available in Dash 1.4.0+, and additional debug type particle_emitter is available in Dash 1.8.1+*.
playercount 1.3.0+ No Yes Yes No Display number of currently connected clients.
clients_count 1.3.0+ No Yes Yes No Alias for playercount.
fullscreen 1.3.0+ Yes Yes No No Switch client to fullscreen mode.
windowed 1.3.0+ Yes Yes No No Switch client to windowed mode.
map_ext 1.4.0+ No No Yes Yes Extend the time limit for the current map/round by 5 minutes.
skip_cutscene_bind [control name] 1.4.1+ Yes No No No Specify the existing control name (ie. jump, crouch, etc.) for skipping cutscenes in single player. Defaults to Multiplayer Stats (TAB).
map_rest 1.4.0+ No No Yes Yes Restart the current round on the same map.
map_next 1.4.0+ No No Yes Yes End the current round and load the next map in the server rotation.
map_prev 1.4.0+ No No Yes Yes End the current round and load the previous map in the server rotation.
kill_limit [integer] 1.4.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets the frag limit for the server (win condition in DM and TDM gamemodes).
time_limit [integer] 1.4.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets the time limit for the server in minutes (endgame condition in all gamemodes).
capture_limit [integer] 1.4.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets the flag capture limit for the server (win condition in CTF gamemode).
geomod_limit [integer] 1.4.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets the maximum amount of geomod craters per map/round on the server. Maximum allowed value is 128.
bighud 1.5.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle larger HUD (intended for high resolutions).
reticle_scale [decimal value] 1.5.0+ Yes Yes No No Set reticle scale. Entering this command without a specified value displays the current value.
damage_screen_flash 1.5.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle the visible red screen flash when you take damage.
download_level [ .rfl filename] 1.5.0+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Query the database for a map with the specified .rfl filename. If found, download and install it (before 1.7.1, this command WILL overwrite existing maps you have installed in the event of filename conflicts).
nearest_texture_filtering 1.5.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle between nearest neighbor texture filtering and RF default texture filtering.
antialiasing 1.5.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle whether antialiasing is enabled or disabled.
mesh_static_lighting 1.5.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle whether static lighting for meshes (clutter, pickups, etc.) is enabled or disabled.
linear_pitch 1.5.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle whether linear pitch curve for vertical mouse movement is enabled or disabled.
swap_assault_rifle_controls 1.5.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle assault rifle controls between stock (primary = burst; secondary = auto) or inverted (primary = auto; secondary = burst).
detail_textures 1.5.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle whether detail textures are enabled or disabled.
difficulty [value] 1.5.0+ Yes No No No Set (single player) game difficulty. Available values are easy, medium, hard, and impossible.
frameratetest 1.5.0+ Yes No No No Perform a framerate test.
kick_all 1.5.0+ No No Yes Yes Kicks all connected clients from the server.
level_info 1.5.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Display basic info on currently loaded level.
verify_level 1.5.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Verify and display additional information on currently loaded level.
system_info 1.5.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Display information about your system.
sound 1.5.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle whether sound is enabled or disabled.
timedemo 1.5.0+ Yes No No No Perform a time demo test.
trilinear_filtering 1.3.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggles between trilinear and bilinear filtering.
update_rate [integer] 1.5.1+ No Yes Yes No Sets the update (tick) rate for the server or client in updates per second. Base game has default of 12 for servers and 20 for clients. Dash Faction 1.5.1+ has base value of 30 for both servers and clients. Configurable from 30 - 60.
frametime_graph 1.6.0+ Yes Yes No No Draw on-HUD graph showing framerate over time.
kill_messages 1.6.0+ No Yes Yes No Toggle printing of kill messages to the chat box and server console.
screenshot 1.6.1+ Yes Yes No No Take a screenshot (same as Print Screen hotkey).
d_profiler 1.6.1+ Yes No No No Display real-time performance frametime information.
lod_distance_scale [integer] 1.6.1+ Yes Yes No No Used to control the distance at which meshes transition to lower level-of-detail versions if you have "High model details" turned on in the Dash Faction options. The configured value is used as a multiplier of the stock RF values. Defaults to 10 (ie. 10x the default distance values for LOD transitions).
fov [number] 1.6.1+ Yes Yes No No Sets horizontal field of view (hFOV) for the camera. Allowed values are either 0 or a numeric value from 75-160. Defaults to 0, which means hFOV is properly scaled to your aspect ratio (ie. 90 for 4:3, 100 for 16:10, 106.26 for 16:9, etc.)
fpgun_fov_scale [number] 1.6.1+ Yes Yes No No Sets a multiplier value for the configured field of view (FOV) for each first person weapon model. Allowed values are from 0.1 - 1.5. Input values outside of this range will be clamped. Defaults to 1.0.
which_packfile [filename] 1.6.1+ Yes Yes Yes No For any file currently loaded by the game, print the path and filename of the .vpp packfile that file was loaded from. Commonly used to determine which packfile a specified texture, model, animation, or level file is loaded from when debugging issues.
pow2_tex 1.7.0+ Yes Yes No No Force usage of power of 2 textures. This option may fix broken texture UV mapping in older levels. NOTE: Only levels loaded after this command is entered are affected.
spectate_mode_minimal_ui 1.7.0+ No Yes No No Toggle minimal UI mode for spectator. If enabled, spectator mode help text is suppressed.
mute_all_players 1.7.0+ No Yes No No Stop receiving all chat messages from all players for the current game session (until you restart game).
mute_player [player name] 1.7.0+ No Yes No No Stop receiving all chat messages from the specified player as long as you both remain in the current server.
swap_grenade_controls 1.7.1+ Yes Yes No No Toggle grenade controls between stock (primary = timer; secondary = explode on impact) or inverted (primary = explode on impact; secondary = timer).
con_find [search string] 1.7.1+ Yes Yes Yes No Search all possible console commands and return commands that include the search string.
. [search string] 1.7.1+ Yes Yes Yes No Alias for con_find.
fps_counter 1.7.1+ Yes Yes No No Toggle display of FPS/framerate counter on HUD.
debug_event_msg 1.7.1+ Yes Yes Yes No Print event debug information to console. Very useful to developers when debugging scripted logic within levels.
download_level_force [ .rfl filename] 1.7.1+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Query the database for a map with the specified .rfl filename. If found, download and install it. This command WILL overwrite existing maps you have installed in the event of filename conflicts, to avoid overwriting, use download_level instead.
gamma [decimal value] 1.8.1+* Yes Yes No No Set gamma to the specified decimal value.

Pure Faction

  • This table lists new console commands introduced in Pure Faction. Note that all commands listed above under Base Game (except rate) are also still usable in Pure Faction.
Command Syntax Required PF Version Useful in SP Useful for MP Clients Useful for MP Servers Usable via rcon Function
r_maxfps [integer] 3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Sets maximal FPS limit. Allowed range is 30 - 150. Higher or lower values will be clamped.
spectate 3.0+ No Yes No No Enter free camera spectate mode.
ts 2.0+ No Yes No No Toggle between RF default and PF multiplayer scoreboard.
ti 2.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle between RF default and DirectInput mouse input modes.
ms [decimal value] 2.0+ Yes Yes No No Set mouse sensitivity to the specified decimal value. Entering "ms ?" displays the current value.
r_vli 3.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle volumetric lighting.
map [ .rfl filename] 2.0+ Yes No Yes Yes Alias for level.
sv_kill_limit [integer] 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets the frag limit for the server (win condition in DM and TDM gamemodes).
sv_time_limit [integer] 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets the time limit for the server in minutes (endgame condition in all gamemodes).
sv_capture_limit [integer] 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets the flag capture limit for the server (win condition in CTF gamemode).
sv_geo_limit [integer] 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets the maximum amount of geomod craters per map/round on the server. Maximum allowed value is 128.
sv_info 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Display server information, settings, and statistics.
sv_setup 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Display server settings.
sv_kills 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Toggle whether kills are allowed or not.
sv_netfps [integer] 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets network FPS for the server.
sv_password [string] 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets password to join the server.
sv_rconpass [string] 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Sets password to issue remote console commands to the server.
sv_rotation 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Check whether all maps in the server rotation are on the map database for the autodownloader.
togglesound 2.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle whether sound is enabled or disabled.
togglenetmeter 2.0 - 2.1 No Yes No No Toggle whether network meter is displayed or hidden. Replaced by netmeter in PF 3.0+
netmeter 3,0+ No Yes No No Toggle whether network meter is displayed or hidden.
vpps 2.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Show information on currently loaded .vpp files.
alttab 3.0+ Yes Yes No No Switch client to stretched (noborder window) mode.
at 3.0+ Yes Yes No No Alias for alttab.
fullscreen 3.0+ Yes Yes No No Switch client to fullscreen mode.
fs 3.0+ Yes Yes No No Alias for fullscreen.
windowed 3.0+ Yes Yes No No Switch client to windowed mode.
wn 3.0+ Yes Yes No No Alias for windowed.
chatsound 3.0+ No Yes No No Toggle the noise when chat messages are received in multiplayer.
muteall 3.0+ No Yes No No Hide all player chat messages in multiplayer.
cls 3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Clear the console log.
Disconnect 3.0+ No Yes* No No Disconnect from the server your client is connected to.
findmap [search string] 3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Search locally-installed levels and return all filenames that contain the specified search string.
hb 3.0+ No Yes No No Disable visibility of bullet impact effects for shots fired by opponents.
sb 3.0+ No Yes No No Enable visibility of bullet impact effects for shots fired by opponents.
hidetab 3.0+ No Yes No No Toggle automatic display of multiplayer scoreboard when you die.
kickall 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Kicks all connected clients from the server.
map_ext 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Extend the time limit for the current map/round by 5 minutes.
map_rest 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Restart the current round on the same map.
map_info 3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Display info on currently loaded level.
map_next 3.0+ No No Yes Yes End the current round and load the next map in the server rotation.
map_prev 3.0+ No No Yes Yes End the current round and load the previous map in the server rotation.
map_search [ .rfl filename] 3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Query the database for a map with the specified .rfl filename. If found, display information about it.
map_download [ .rfl filename] 3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Query the database for a map with the specified .rfl filename. If found, download and install it.
playercount 3.0+ No Yes Yes No Display number of currently connected clients.
r_fil 3.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggles between trilinear and bilinear filtering.
r_hqmodels 3.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle whether LOD meshes are disabled.
r_tex 3.0+ Yes Yes No No Cycle between low, medium, and high texture quality settings.
r_togglewidefov 3.0+ Yes Yes No No Toggle whether the widescreen FOV fix is enabled or disabled.
setdefaultkeyboard 3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Set keyboard layout preset to US English.
setenglishkeyboard 3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Set keyboard layout preset to UK English.
setfrenchkeyboard 3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Set keyboard layout preset to France.
setgermankeyboard 3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Set keyboard layout preset to Germany.
silence 3.0+ No No Yes No Disable the kill feed from logging to the server console.
team_swap 3.0+ No Yes No No Swap to the other team in a multiplayer team gamemode.
unban_last 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Remove most recently banned player from the ban list.
unban_ip [ip address/range] 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Remove specified ip address/range from the ban list.
ver 3.0+ Yes Yes Yes No Display the version of PF you're running.
votes 3.0+ No No Yes Yes Toggle whether voting is allowed in the server.

MP Test

  • This table lists console commands specific to Multiplayer Test. Note that most commands listed above under Base Game are also still usable in MP Test.
Command Syntax Useful for Clients Useful for Servers Function
debug [type] Yes Yes No known function outside of displaying some variables.
multiplayer_cheats Yes Yes No known function. Can be assumed to have been intended to enable/disable cheat commands in multiplayer, but the variable is only used in the console code, and does not actually enable/disable any cheats.

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