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This page lists all new event scripting objects available in Alpine Faction.
SequenceEach activation of this event routes the message to the next link in sequential order. After the last link, the cycle resets and the first link is called. Note the order of links is determined by the order in which you add them.
On Response Send an on signal to the next link in the sequence.
Off Response None
- last_link_index: (int, hidden) Stores the last activated link index. When processing a received on signal, the next index in the links array after this is used.
Difficulty_GateTests if the game is set to the specified difficulty and forwards messages only if true.
On Response Forward on signal to all links, if the game is set to the specified difficulty.
Off Response None
- difficulty: (int, "Life") Set the difficulty to test against. 0 = easy, 1 = medium, 2 = hard, 3 = impossible
Valid_GateTests if the specified UID is a valid object and forwards messages only if true. In the case of objects that have life values (ie. clutter and entities), "valid" means alive.
On Response Forward on signal to all links, if the specified object is valid.
Off Response None
- check_uid: (int, "Life") Object UID to be checked.
Inside_GateTests if an object (default: the player who activated the event) is in a specified area of the map. Forwards messages if true.
On Response Forward on signal to all links if test passes.
Off Response None
- check_uid: (int, "Life") Region to be checked. Can be a trigger UID or a room UID (Room Effect).
- test_uid: (int, hidden) Object to be checked. Defaults to the player who activated the event.
Switch_RandomRandomly select one of this event's links and send an on signal to it.
On Response Send an on signal to a randomly selected link.
Off Response None
No additional parameters.
Fixed_DelayIdentical to the normal Delay event, but cannot be retriggered. Will forward a message to all links after the specified delay. Messages sent to this event while a message is queued are ignored.
On Response Queue a message to be forwarded after the configured delay.
Off Response None
No additional parameters.
Goal_GatePerforms a test on a specified goal (integer variable). Forwards message to links only if test passes.
On Response Perform test and forward message if passed.
Off Response None
- value: (int, first "Texture Num") Specify the value to use for the test.
- goal: (string, first "Filename") Specify the goal name to test.
- value2: (int, second "Texture Num") Specify the second value to use for the test, if a second value is needed (currently only applies to between).
- test_type: (string, second "Filename") Specify the test to run. Must be one of the below, specified exactly.
- equal - Goal count equals value.
- nequal - Goal count does not equal value.
- gt - Goal count is greater than value.
- lt - Goal count is less than value.
- geq - Goal count is greater than or equal to value.
- leq - Goal count is less than or equal to value.
- between - Goal count is between value and value2 (inclusive).
- odd - Goal count is an odd number.
- even - Goal count is an even number.
- divisible - Goal count is divisible by value.
- ltinit - Goal count is less than its initial value.
- gtinit - Goal count is greater than its initial value.
- leinit - Goal count is less than or equal to its initial value.
- geinit - Goal count is greater than or equal to its initial value.
- eqinit - Goal count is equal to its initial value.
Environment_GatePerforms a test on the environment of the game. Forwards message to links only if test passes.
On Response Perform test and forward message if passed.
Off Response None
- environment: (string, "Goal To Set") Specify the test to run. Must be one of the below, specified exactly.
- multi - Event is running in multiplayer.
- single - Event is running in single player.
- server - Event is running on a server (listen or dedicated).
- dedicated - Event is running on a dedicated server.
- client - Event is running on a client.
Clone_EntityCreates a clone of the linked entity with the same properties and settings as its source.
On Response Create a clone at the event's position.
Off Response None
No additional parameters.
Set_Player_World_CollideControl whether the player collides with level geometry.
On Response Collision = true (default)
Off Response Collision = false
No additional parameters.
Set_Level_HardnessSet the hardness for the loaded level (size of geo craters).
On Response Set hardness to the specified value.
Off Response None
- hardness: (int, "Life") The hardness value to set.
HUD_MessageDisplay a green HUD message in the bottom middle of the screen (like the helper text when you pick up items).
On Response Display the HUD message for the configured duration.
Off Response None
- message: (string, "Goal To Set") The message to display.
- duration: (int, hidden) Duration (in ms) the message will be displayed. If not specified, defaults to 5000 (5 seconds).
Play_VideoPlay a .bik format video.
On Response Play the video specified.
Off Response None
- filename: (string, "Goal To Set") The filename of the video to play.
SetVarReconfigure a variable on linked events. Only supports new Alpine Faction events. Supports "delay" (float) as a variable name to set event delay. Other variable names are as indicated on this page. Specify the name of the variable to be set in the script name for SetVar using this scripe name format: "SetVar_VARNAME" where "VARNAME" is the variable name.
On Response Set var_name to var_value on all linked events.
Off Response None
- var_name: (string, set via script name) The name of the variable to be set.
- var_value: (string, "Goal To Set") The value to set var_name to. You must ensure you are providing a valid value for the type of the variable you are setting. If not specified, defaults to a blank string.
Remove_LinkUsed to remove links. If "remove_all" is turned off (default), removes links between objects this event is linked to. If "remove_all" is turned on, remove all links between every object this event is linked to and any other objects.
On Response Remove links.
Off Response None
- remove_all: (boolean, "Run") Turn on "remove_all".
Goal_MathUsed to perform math operations on goals (integer variables). Applies the operation to any level (non-persistent) goals, as well as any persistent goals that are loaded.
On Response Apply the operation.
Off Response None
- value: (int, first "Texture Num") Specify the value to use for the operation.
- goal: (string, first "Filename") Specify the goal name to which the operation will apply.
- value2: (int, second "Texture Num") Specify the second value to use for the operation, if a second value is needed (currently only applies to clamp).
- operation: (string, second "Filename") Specify the operation to apply. Must be one of the below, specified exactly.
- add - Add value to goal count.
- sub - Subtract value from goal count.
- mul - Multiply goal count by value.
- div - Divide goal count by value.
- rdiv - Divide value by goal count.
- set - Set goal count explicitly to value.
- mod - Return modulus of goal count divided by value.
- pow - Raise goal count to the power of value.
- neg - Set goal count negative.
- abs - Set goal count positive (absolute value).
- clamp - Clamp goal count between value and value2.
- max - Set goal count to the highest between goal count and value.
- min - Set goal count to the lowest between goal count and value.
- reset - Set goal count to its initial value.
Clear_QueuedClears queued message (if any) on all linked events. Queued messages are messages that are queued per a configured delay value on that event.
On Response Clear queued messages.
Off Response None
No additional parameters.
Add_LinkAdds links from the first link in the link array to each other link in the array. Link array is ordered based on the order in which you linked this event to other objects.
On Response Add links.
Off Response None
No additional parameters.