Alpine Faction Mod Development
This page is under construction. The information on this page may not yet be complete. |
This page lists all new and improved capabilities when designing mods for Alpine Faction.
RedFaction\client_mods\ - The "client_mods" folder should be used for all clientside mods in Alpine Faction, rather than the traditional RF method of dropping them into "user_maps\multi\" or "user_maps\single\"
Packfiles are loaded alphabetically from the below locations. Assets loaded by the game from packfiles can be overridden/modified by including a file with the same filename in a packfile loaded later (either alphabetically or in a later loaded location).
Packfile location loading order:
- Standard VPPs in root RF directory
- alpinefaction.vpp
- VPPs in user_maps\multi *
- VPPs in user_maps\single *
- VPPs in client_mods
- VPPs in TC mod folder (if TC mod is loaded)
* - All packfiles are loaded from user_maps\multi and user_maps\single, but assets in these packfiles will NOT override previously loaded assets unless the "Allow clientside mods to be loaded from user_maps" option is turned on in the Alpine Faction Launcher.
Level Info Tables
In Alpine Faction, whenever the client loads a map (multi or single), the game attempts to load a file named "MAPNAME_info.tbl", where MAPNAME is the level's filename (e.g. "dm02_info.tbl" is loaded when "dm02.rfl" is loaded). This file can be loaded from anywhere - user_maps\multi, user_maps\single, client_mods, or the TC mod's folder (if a TC mod is loaded).
The below options can be specified in this file, and apply as long as that map is loaded.
Sample MAPNAME_info.tbl File
#Start // This is a comment $Ideal Player Count: 8 $Author Contact: "" $Author Website: "" $Description: "This is a description of the map." $Lightmap Clamp Floor: {32,32,32} $Lightmap Clamp Ceiling: {255,255,255} $Player Headlamp Color: {32,32,32} $Player Headlamp Range: 3.5 $Player Headlamp Radius: 20.0 #End