Heavy Machine Gun (RF2)

From Red Faction Wiki

The JF90-HMG/BF Heavy Suppression Machine Gun is a weapon in Red Faction II.


A terribly inaccurate but very powerful weapon, the HMG is the preferred weapon of Repta, the heavy weapons specialist in Molov's squad. Capable of firing huge numbers of bullets in a very short period of time, the HMG is most effective when opponents are engaged at close range. It is best equipped in situations where raw firepower and maximum suppression is required.

The HMG is a really strong mid to late game weapon good for clearing foes in thin corridors and short distances. The 99 clip gun can decimate close range foes but over a longer range will prove to be much less effective.

The player can pick this up for the first time in Hanging In The Hood', taking it off of enemy soldiers or the deceased faction fighters. Other appearances include Repta in the introductory cutscene and the second phase of Reptas mini-boss fight, Repta+.