
From Red Faction Wiki

Barracks is the second level/chapter in the Red Faction single player campaign. It consists of 3 individual maps and begins just after Parker escapes from Mine M-4 in L1: Live Mines. It is followed by L3: Miner Registration.

L2S1: Barracks Entrance

After escaping Mine M-4, Parker approaches a heavily guarded guard checkpoint to miner barracks C-2 and finds some other miners already taking up the cause of the Red Faction.

L2S2a: Barracks

Parker enters miner barracks C-2 to reach the maintenance elevator, only to find the elevator destroyed. Then, Parker battles his way through the cafeteria and into the ventilation system in search of another way up to the shuttle docking bay.

L2S3: Elevator to Registration

Parker comes upon a maintenance entrance to another elevator shaft, only to find out it's also been damaged, and the ladder partially destroyed. Then he moves to an adjacent elevator shaft to continue his climb toward Miner Registration.