Dancing With The Dead

From Red Faction Wiki

Dancing With The Dead' is the seventh main chapter of the Red Faction II single player campaign following from Hanging In The Hood'. Dancing With The Dead consists of 3 individual maps and begins as Alias emerges into a Cemetery, and spots Quill, setting the stage for a showdown. It is followed by A River Runs To It.


Quill is determined to write Alias' eulogy in blood. „

As Alias emerges into the Cemetery, he spots Quill. After she declares she was the one who killed Echo, Alias battles his way to a mausoleum entrance, as he begins his path to take her on, finally fighting the Processed for the first time outside of a vehicle.

Bonus Objectives

  • Kill the Processed.
  • Take a (much needed) bath.
  • Find Durgan's earring.


Alias battles to avoid death among the corpses. „

Alias battles to avoid death among the corpses. „

After Alias enters the mausoleum, he encounters some resistance, and ends up blasting his way down into the catacombs below. Fighting both urban soldiers and the Processed as he journeys through the dirt and small corridors. Eventually he gets back into the Cathedral and makes his way to the main sanctuary to finally see to Quill.


Its time for a funeral. The question is, whose? „

Alias emerges to Quill delivering the lines "Im up here Alias, start praying for a quick death." Quill uses her trademark Precision Rifle. Eventually Alias delivers the final shot, sending her flying out the back of the stained glass window. Alias meets with the deceased Quill and takes her rifle from her, claiming for himself, and with it avenging Echo.