User talk:SimpleArrows

From Red Faction Wiki
Revision as of 01:43, 24 February 2024 by SimpleArrows (talk | contribs)
Icon Event E.png
This event will force all linked objects to follow a specified waypoint list, with a specific following method.
On Response
Begin following the waypoints. An AI will use the closest waypoint as the location to begin the path following.
Off Response
Begin following the waypoints. An AI will use the closest waypoint as the location to begin the path following.
Waypoint List: Name of the waypoint list that the AI should follow.
Always Face Player: If true, the AI will always face the player while following their waypoints
Follow Method: This determines how the AI will behave when the last waypoint node is reached. The choices are:

1. One way: follow the waypoints to the last node and stop.
2. Loop: follow the waypoints to the last node, then return to the start and repeat

3. Ping Pong: follow the waypoints to the last node, then follow the nodes back to the start (repeat).
Run: If ticked, the linked objects will attempt to run rather than walk while following the waypoint list.
Always Face Player: If ticked, the linked objects will always look at the player while following the waypoint list.
|name           = 
|image          = 
|location       = 
|text           = 