
From Red Faction Wiki

The Reconstructor is one of an unknown amount of weapons that will be available in Red Faction: Guerrilla when it is released.



The Reconstrutor is a rebuilding weapon used by the Red Faction team in the Damage Control multiplayer gametype. It's primary function is to rebuild control points and other structures such as walls. Its primary fire also slightly damages enemies. Simply aim this weapon at any damaged structure, and the Reconstructor sets to work on rearranging the matter back to the original shape. Any structure in multiplayer that is destroyed can be rebuilt, but be aware of enemies sneaking up on you. The Reconstructor can be used as an offensive weapon in a pinch, but it’s best to use it with a buddy covering your back.


  • Ammo/Clip Size: Infinite (with overheating to avoid constant firing)
  • Primary Fire: Reconstructing flame
  • Alternate Fire: Unknown
  • Uses Mutiplayer item ment for Damage Control