Proximity Mine

From Red Faction Wiki

This article is regarding Red Faction: Guerrilla

The Proximity Mines are some of an unknown amount of weapons that will be available in Red Faction: Guerrilla when it is released.

Proximity Mines


The Proximity Mines are modified mining equipment which the Red Faction uses as weapons against the Earth Defence Force. They can be placed on the ground. They detonate when an ememy comes within a set proximity or when they are damaged.


Developed by a group of underground Red Faction researchers and engineers, the Proximity Mine was designed to help entrap and ambush EDF forces. Based upon claymore mine technology, the Proximity Mine detonates a small charge of explosive material which propels a collection of shrapnel at high velocity. The shrapnel explosion is sufficient to take down several enemy personnel or disable a vehicle, but inflicts only minor damage to structures.

Recommendations: Make sure to hide the proximity mines well because the EDF CAN see them if they are in the open and will shoot them. Let's say you're cornered with low health in a building. The EDF are likely to come in to kill you, so you might want to hide a prox. mine next to the door way (if the building is not very damaged) and wait. Or you could want to snipe, but the EDF keep coming up the stairs and trying to kill you. Put a bomb in one of the door ways. Problem solved.


  • Ammo/Clip Size: Unknown
  • Primary Fire: Set mine onto ground beneath you
  • Alternate Fire: Unknown
  • Pros: Proximity activated explostion
  • Cons: Unupgraded versions can kill civilians and unhidden placement can be detected and disarmed by AI.
  • Faction: Red Faction (Rebellion)