This article is regarding Red Faction: Guerrilla
The Grinder is one of an unknown amount of weapons that will be available in Red Faction: Guerrilla when it is released.
The Grinder is a weapon which consists of parts salvaged by the Red Faction from mining equipment. It fires circular blades at high velocities and is capable of dismemberment. Also causes one hit kills to the head.
Developed by a group of underground Red Faction researchers and engineers, the Grinder is a slow-firing, but highly lethal weapon. Modified from high-powered angle grinders, the Grinder's motor spins a serrated disk before it is launched at high velocity. The disk is highly effective against soft targets, but is completely uselss against vehicles and structures.
- Ammo/Clip Size: 6 disks
- Primary Fire: Abresive bandsaw disk
- Alternate Fire: Uknown
- Pros: Uknown
- Cons: Difficult to use weapon
- Faction: Red Faction (Rebellion)