RED Hotkey Reference

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This page will list all known RED Editor hotkeys and a short explanation of what each does.

Camera Movement Hotkeys

Numpad Camera Movement

Shortcut Freelook Top Front Left Bottom Back Right
2 Pitch down + Z + Y + Y - Z + Y + Y
4 Heading left - X - X - Z - X + X - Z
6 Heading right + X + X + Z + X - X + Z
8 Pitch up - Z - Y - Y + Z - Y - Y
+ (keypad) Slide up + Z + Y + Y - Z + Y + Y
Enter (keypad) Slide down - Z - Y - Y + Z - Y - Y
7 Bank left N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
8 Bank right N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
1 Slide left - X - X - Z - X + X - Z
3 Slide right + X + X + Z + X - X + Z

Universal Camera Movement

Shortcut Operation
A Zoom in
Z Zoom out
+ Coarse zoom in (orthographic only)
- Coarse zoom out (orthographic only)
Home Snap camera to player start position and orientation
T Teleport camera to specified X, Y, Z
C Orient camera to world axis
Left Mouse Button + Shift Slides camera up, down, left, right
Right Mouse Button + Shift In freelook, changes heading and pitch. In orthographic, same as left mouse button + shift
Left and Right Mouse Buttons + Shift Zoom in and out (freelook only)
Right Mouse Button + Ctrl Hold down Ctrl, then right click while in an orthographic view to teleport camera

Note: If you hold Shift while holding down a camera movement key, the camera will move quicker.

Brush/Object Movement

Shortcut Operation
M + Arrow Keys Non-axis constrained movement relative to the currently selected window's plane.
M + Page Up Move positively in the 3rd axis normally not available in a given view.
M + Page Down Moves negatively in the 3rd axis normally not available in a given view
R + Arrow Key Non-axis constrained rotation relative to the currently selected window's plane.
R + Page Up Rotate positively in the 3rd axis normally not available in a given view.
R + Page Down Rotate negatively in the 3rd axis normally not available in a given view.
M + Left Mouse Button Non-axis constrained movement relative to the currently selected window's plane.
N + Left Mouse Button Axis constrained movement relative to the currently selected window's plane.

Universal Hotkeys

Shortcut Operation
Shift + B Go to brush mode
Shift + F Go to face mode
Shift + V Go to vertex mode
Shift + T Go to texture mode
Shift + O Go to object mode
Shift + G Go to group mode
Ctrl + S Save current level
Ctrl + O Open a level
Ctrl + N Create a new level
Ctrl + Z Undo last operation
Ctrl + Y Redo previously undone operation
Shift + H Unhide all brushes
W Hide all objects
Shift + W Unhide all objects
Ctrl + H Invert hidden brush(es) and/or object(s)
I Invert selection
F4 Maximize active viewport (under cursor)
F5 Reset all viewports to same size
\ Cycle grid brightness
] Increase grid size
[ Decrease grid size
Shift + ] Increase rotational grid size
Shift + ] Decrease rotational grid size
G Toggle coordinates (global/local)
Space Build geometry
L Calculate lightmap UVs
Shift + L Recalculate lighting
Space + Shift Calculate paths on selected nav points
F7 Play level in-game (single player)
F8 Play level in-game from current camera position (single player)

Mode Specific Hotkeys

Brush Mode Hotkeys

Shortcut Operation
B Snap cookie cutter brush to camera
Ctrl + C Copy selected brush(es)
Ctrl + X Cut selected brush(es)
Ctrl + V Paste selected brush(es)
D Stretch selected brush(es)
Ctrl + D Move selected brush(es) center points
Delete Delete selected brush(es)
Ctrl + G Snap selected brush(es) to current grid size
H Hide selected brush(es)
Shift + H Unhide all brushes
O Reorient brush(es)
Ctrl + P Edit properties of selected brush(es)
Q Lock selected brush(es)
Shift + Q Unlock all brushes
U Select brush by UID
X Open brush clipping dialogue

Face Mode Hotkeys

Shortcut Operation
Ctrl + E Extrude selected face(s)
B Bevel selected face(s)
S + Left Mouse Button Non-incremental scaling for selected face(s)
S + Arrow Keys Incremental scaling for selected face(s)
Shift + S Select all faces on brush(es) for which at least one face is currently selected

Vertex Mode Hotkeys

Shortcut Operation
Ctrl + G Snap selected verticies to current grid
Shift + S Select all verticies on brush(es) for which at least one vertex is currently selected
S + Left Mouse Button Non-incremental scaling for selected verticies
S + Arrow Keys Incremental scaling for selected verticies

Texture Mode Hotkeys

Shortcut Operation
Backspace Reselect previously selected face(s)
Shift + S Select all faces on brush(es) for which at least one face is currently selected
Shift + D Select all faces on brush(es) for which at least one face is currently selected that match the texture(s) of the currently selected face(s)
Ctrl + C Copy selected face's UV mapping
Ctrl + V Paste copied UV mapping to selected face
Ctrl + Q Box map selected face(s)
Ctrl + E Planar map selected face(s)
Ctrl + W Cylinder map selected face(s)
Ctrl + G Snap cylinder map to current grid
Ctrl + P Edit properties of currently selected face(s)
H Flip UV mapping of currently selected face horizontally
V Flip UV mapping of currently selected face vertically
S + Left Mouse Button Non-incremental scaling for UVs on selected faces
S + Arrow Keys Incremental scaling for UVs on selected faces

UV Unwrap Hotkeys

Shortcut Operation
Click (Left Mouse Button) Select one Vertex
Shift + Right Mouse Button Drag mouse up/down to zoom in/out
Shift + Left Mouse Button Drag mouse to move view
Ctrl Multi select
Alt Multi deselect
M + Arrow Keys Move selected vertices
R + Arrow Keys Rotate selected vertices
S + Arrow Keys Scale selected vertices
Shift + S Enter non-uniform scaling for selected vertices

Object Mode Hotkeys

Shortcut Operation
Ctrl + Middle Mouse Button (in a viewport) Place selected object at mouse pointer location
P + Left Mouse Button (in a viewport) Place selected object at mouse pointer location (in orthographic viewports) or at camera location (in free look viewport)
X Hide all objects except clutter and entities
Shift + X Unhide all hidden objects except clutter and entities
Ctrl + C Copy selected object(s)
Ctrl + X Cut selected object(s)
Ctrl + V Paste cut or copied object(s)
Delete Delete selected object(s)
U Select object by UID
H Hide selected object(s)
W Hide all objects
Shift + W Unhide all objects
Ctrl + P Edit properties of selected object(s)
Shift + P Set coordinates of select object
O Reorient selected object(s)
Ctrl + G Snap selected objects to current grid
S Staple selected object(s)
Ctrl + T Teleport camera to selected object(s)
K Link 2 selected objects (first selected linked to second selected)
Shift + K Break links of all selected objects
Ctrl + L Edit link properties of selected object
Shift + S Snap selected object to camera
J Cycle type of link between selected nav points
Ctrl + W Bring up dialogue of waypoint lists (if nothing selected)
Ctrl + W Create waypoint list from selected nav points

Group Mode Hotkeys

Shortcut Operation
Ctrl + C Copy selected object(s) and/or brush(es)
Ctrl + X Cut selected object(s) and/or brush(es)
Ctrl + V Paste cut or copied object(s) and/or brush(es)
Delete Delete selected object(s) and/or brush(es)
U Select object or brush by UID
H Hide selected object(s) and/or brush(es)
Ctrl + P Edit properties of selected object(s) or brush(es)
Shift + P Set coordinates of select object or brush
O Reorient selected object(s) and/or brush(es)
Ctrl + G Snap selected objects and/or brush(es) to current grid
S Staple selected object(s) and/or brush(es)
Ctrl + T Teleport camera to selected object
K Link 2 selected objects (first selected linked to second selected)
Shift + K Break links of all selected objects
Ctrl + L Edit link properties of selected object
Ctrl + D Move selected brush(es) center points