Nano Rifle

From Red Faction Wiki
Nano Rifle

The Nanorifle is one of an unknown amount of weapons that will be available in Red Faction: Guerrilla when it is released.


The Nanorifle shoots matter-eating swarms of nanobots that slowly disintegrate anything they come into contact with, be they structural supports or human beings. --- The nanites created by the Nano Forge will deconstruct solid matter, like a wall, in seconds. The technology is highly advanced and the EDF wants it, so keep it safe.

Recommendation: Create a new entranceway into a building or take out a vehicle. Also, hit any enemy with a well placed shot to obliterate them.


  • Ammo/Clip Size: 5
  • Primary Fire: Semi-automatic deconstructing nanite beam
  • Alternate Fire: Sideways bash
  • Pros: Each shot contains nanites that eat away at matter in a about a 5 foot radius of the epicenter of the hit, deteriorating walls and instantly killing human targets.
  • Cons: Nanites aren't as aggresive toward organic matter (multiplayer)
  • Faction: Ultor